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Questions tagged [performance]

This tag is for questions pertaining to the measurement or improvement of website speed, by improving content, code, or Joomla settings.

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About Joomla 4 Lazy Loading feature

everyone. I've read this:, so it's clear to me that media images inserted in articles content will be lazy-...
Alexandre Paulo's user avatar
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Is there a Performance Impact of displaying modules on every page if not used?

I commonly assign modules to template position none. In my index.php template, such a position doesn't exist - so the modules don't show. On the pages, I want them to show I use: {loadmoduleid 100}. ...
iamrobert's user avatar
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How to fix "Reduce unused JavaScript" and "Minify JavaScript"

I have a Joomla website that I wish to make faster by following the indications given by the GoogleSpeed Insight page: "Reduce unused JavaScript" and "Minify JavaScript" google ...
Boris's user avatar
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Very slow initialization of Joomla when on remote database

Running Joomla 3.9.15. When I am using a remote database (still on the same local network though), I am facing massive slow downs on the "before preloadComponents" phase of Joomla init. The actual ...
pkExec's user avatar
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Tips On How To Optimise A Joomla Site

Joomla 3.9.12 What's the most effective way of optimising a Joomla website? I'm not sure if my site is particularly large, details below; Files / folders 28GB Database 314MiB When I take a backup ...
jonboy's user avatar
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Using Microsoft CDN with Joomla

I am fairly new to using CDN but i've found that there are two types of CDN. You redirect your DNS to your CDN and they automatically take over the traffic as a proxy and do the caching and content ...
Djongov's user avatar
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How to analyse one level deeper of the default profiling of Joomla?

I am getting the following results from measuring the performance: Time: 104.01 ms / 104.01 ms Memory: 0.878 MB / 1.11 MB afterLoad Time: 627.05 ms / 731.05 ms Memory: 4.563 MB / 5.67 MB ...
laendle's user avatar
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How to measure server performance in joomla (not from outside)?

I am wondering if where is a option to measure the joomla performance on the api level. something like this (afaik it is profiling) Time: 56.14 ms / 56.14 ms Memory: 0.593 MB / 0.81 MB ...
laendle's user avatar
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Site has 2 seconds of server waiting time

I have exhausted all the options (to the best of my knowledge) and there are still 2 seconds of server waiting time. I have upgraded to the latest version of Joomla, jch optimize pro, jotcache, gzip, ...
Topcafirms Kaushalya's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Website speed is awful

I work as an apprentice web developer who has been left in charge of the web team (all of my colleagues have left) and have been left with an impossible task. We have a 10-core Windows server, with ...
LukeBurke_PremierEPOS's user avatar
1 vote
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Use one pdo connection across multiple modules?

I have multiple modules on the same page that are individually connecting to the same external database through pdo connections. The website is getting slower since I added more modules. My guess is ...
loranga's user avatar
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Extreme Joomla Optimization

Hello all Joomla StackExchange users, I am developing I site which is particularly complex and uses a lot of CSS and JS assets to work properly. Usually, I would fine tune JCH Optimize to get the work ...
Tilellit's user avatar
5 votes
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Delay in loading home page modules

In some sites in their home pages, as u scroll down, modules appear one by one. I think this enhances page load time. How can i do this in Joomla? Is it doable? Is there a plugin or something for this ...
kiasaty's user avatar
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how to reduce server response time

How should i improve my site's server response time? on gtmetrix waterfall tab shows that my site spends 2.8 seconds on requesting part how can i reduce this part's duration? any help would be ...
kiasaty's user avatar
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Site clean up tips

I was hoping for some tips on how I should routinely 'clean up' my Joomla sites, as it's that time of year again! I'm sure we all do it to some extent, so I'm just looking for advice on what others do....
jonboy's user avatar
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How Useful Are Meta Descriptions & Keywords

When writing Joomla articles I tend to leave out the meta information under publishing options, but should I be including it and if so, what benefit (if any) will I notice as regards page ranking? I ...
jonboy's user avatar
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Which hosting is best for jomsocial website? [closed]

I am about to launch a JomSocial website on Joomla for my university project.. there will be 30000 users per second. Is joomla capable to handle this much traffic and load? Which will be the best ...
Amirali Panjwani's user avatar
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How to protect joomla from hacking, virus and any other threat? [duplicate]

Hello can any one tell me how to protect joomla from virus and hacking or any other threat?
Amirali Panjwani's user avatar
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Adding defer to optimized javascript in T3 Framework

I am using T3 Framework as a template for Joomla. In it's options there are options for optimizing Javascript and CSS. If set to ON the framework minifies and joins Javascript to 1 or 2 files that are ...
dfk_7677's user avatar
2 votes
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Not well written script cause high resource consumption

Recently a server's admin sent a report about a Joomla site that is causing too much resource consumption. The report said : CAUSE OF HIGH RESOURCE CONSUMPTION: We have conducted a detailed ...
Agapios Iwsifidis's user avatar
2 votes
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Model's getItem(): object-oriented way or traditional one

Let's imagine we have custom component similar to small shop, that contains many products. Database is very relational. Now we want to display list of all the products in our shop using overwritten ...
turson's user avatar
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4 answers

Joomla 2.5 slow after migraration to a dedicated VPS

Recently I migrated a joomla 2.5 site with K2 from a shared host to a dedicated web server with WHM/cPanel with 1 GB of RAM. I used migration procedure recommended by WHM and everything went fine. My ...
dahma's user avatar
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File Cache option is missing [closed]

I am running a Joomla 3.3.6 site in a hosted environment (Startlogic) and I see that my File Cache Handler option is no longer available. It used to be an option at some point and now it is gone. ...
GeoMac's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Testing Joomla site speed

I am trying to improve the speed of a site - however when I go to Pingdom to test: I get wildly different times even though I haven't made any changes. For example: 8....
iamrobert's user avatar
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How to debug Joomla! after render the last module?

I have a site with some performance issues. I have tried to debug it with no much luck. I have the following information: ... Application 0.527 seconds (+0.004); 6.93 MB (+0.018) - ...
pQB's user avatar
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Optimizing frontend load, how do I properly combine and compress my JS?

My website for an enterprise client has approximately 90 assets that download on load, 35 or so are JS files. Even "optimizing" extensions that are made for Joomla only seem to get me down to 31 or ...
Toni Marie's user avatar
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6 votes
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Suggestions for Performance improvement based on Result differences

We have a Joomla site ( running over dedicated server. Currently, Rockettheme's gantry based template is installed on the site. So, to optimize my site's performance I have tested ...
Ram Guru99's user avatar
3 votes
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gtmetrix and pagespeed low score

I am using Joomla 3.3 and JA Teline IV template. My sites gtmetrix is very low. Here are my settings: Joomla Cache ON Cache Plugin Enabled SEF Enabled JCH Optimize Plugin Combine CSS files Yes ...
Naeem's user avatar
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Joomla cache handler only shows memcached

My cache handler in Joomla! only shows 'memcached (experimental)', and not File etc. I was able to change the cache handler in my configuration.php but I'd still like to know why File is not shown as ...
B_s's user avatar
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Is there a way to reduce document waiting time?

Our document has a very high waiting time and very low receiving time. Is there a way to get the document to start receiving earlier?
ContextSwitch's user avatar
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How can I use the memory usage tool in the Joomla Debug Console?

EDIT: I've rewritten this question, but the topic is the same. How can I use the memory usage tool in the Joomla! Debug Console? By that I mean, when do people look at this and how do people know ...
TryHarder's user avatar
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MySql User with Multiple DBs Advice

I have recently created a Joomla 3.3 website which consists of one user (all privileges) and one database on my shared hosting account. I'd now like to install Piwik analytics aswell on the same ...
jonboy's user avatar
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4 votes
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Many usergroups slow down sections of the website

I am working on a Joomla 3.3.0 website that has about 140 usergroups. However this causes the joomla to slow down, particularly when I am going to the sections of the website that needs to load the ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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What to use , simplexml_load_file or JForm::getInstance or?

I need to get field attribute value from templateDetails xml . This is the field and I need the styles attribute <field name="get_styles" type="yjsglist" default="blue|007ebd" styles="blue==007ebd|...
Dan's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Difference between standard cache options

Joomla! have a 3 different way for caching: "Conservative caching" (in global configuration) "Progressive caching" (in global configuration) plugin "System - Cache" I have the following questions: ...
Fedik's user avatar
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14 votes
9 answers

How can a module be disabled based on device or viewport size in Joomla 3 to optimize performance for mobile devices?

I'm a proponent of Responsive Web Design in conjunction with Adaptive Web Design (i.e. - one design that adjusts display for all devices and provides content based on view port size) as opposed to ...
NivF007's user avatar
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5 votes
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Sitemaps with Xmap on Joomla 2.5: (how) can I improve them?

I have a small personal website, bilingual, say, made with Joomla 2.5 (remote installation). I have created with Xmap two sitemaps, one for italian language, one for english. ...
MattAllegro's user avatar
8 votes
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Performance of Joomla on IIS

We have a website that is hosted on a IIS 7.5 server. We have a copy of the same website on an Apache2.2/Centos 6.x server. On IIS the site is slower (about twice longer or even more) and so far we ...
Shaz's user avatar
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What steps should I take to resolve excess memory resource utilisation detected by Cloud Linux or similar?

How best can I troubleshoot an excess memory utilisation issue for a client with a Joomla website on shared hosting where nothing has apparently changed except for a sudden increase in the memory ...
Neil Robertson's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

Do 'disabled' extensions slow down Joomla! site performance?

If I have extensions "installed but disabled" in my extension manager (as opposed to "completely uninstalled"), do these disabled extensions slow down web site performance for web site visitors? If ...
NivF007's user avatar
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17 votes
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How to improve server response time?

What can I do, other than using a cache plugin like jotcache, to improve the server response time of my website? I have already removed all inactive articles modules, plugins and components, is there ...
web-tiki's user avatar
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