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Questions tagged [seo]

Search Engine Optimization is the set of steps that can be taken to improve your page rank in search engines. Topics include: sitemaps, metadata, canonical links, search pagination, h1 and title tags, and url format.

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Remove www. from sitemap links generated by OSMap

Is there any way to do so? I can't find any option, neither any documentation for this, so I assume some code will have to be modified.
Destroy666's user avatar
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Should I redirect all the spammy 404s?

The redirects manager picks up a tonne of 404 errors. Most of them are spammy, I would guess, attempts to find out what system I'm using and hack it. Thus, I don't really want to redirect those ...
Eoin's user avatar
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How do I change a page URL on Joomla 3.10.11?

I'm a complete newbie to Joomla here (been working with it for a few days only) and wanted to ask what is probably a silly question. For clarification I'm not using any SEF extensions/plugins - only ...
dkdk96's user avatar
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Legacy component + jquery + SEO = 404

I have a legacy joomla 4 component that saves something back to the server using jquery. It works fine with SEO turned off, but I get a 404 error with SEO turned on. The URL parameter for the jquery ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Replicate SEF URLs Using Article Alias

I've got a Joomla site that I'm preparing to upgrade to Joomla 4. I'm currently using the sh404SEF component to create SEF urls that use the article's alias (Ex: I need a ...
johkar's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I redirect all index.php from URLs to stop duplicate URLs?

My SEO team has reported duplicate URLs. I have turned on SEF URLs and I have renamed htaccess.txt to .htaccess. This does not show the index.php when I click on the link, but if I manually add it ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Alias and title in article url

At the moment my joomla articles are using the alias in the urls, like that: Now I need to add the title of the specific joomla article in my url, too. So I will have a ...
Keroster's user avatar
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SEO-friendly URLs are being corrupted after update

I have built a directory website and started to add some content. I have created the standard pages (contact us, privacy, etc.) and added businesses. I would like SEO-friendly URLs, so I set: Search ...
33money's user avatar
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Use language override to create custom title tags for URL's

I have this piece of code that already runs on the pages I need this done. (The entire Joomla 3.9 site is a Frankenstein of custom code, components, etc. ) $placeholder_country = JText::_('...
Nick's user avatar
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URL's in search results page are wrong and not the URL of the article assigned menu item

I have Joomla 3.9.21 which has SEF URL's enabled. All works perfectly, except for the search results page. For example, this is the SEO link to an article (which is assigned a menu option whose root ...
jstuardo's user avatar
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Is there a way to disable "silent" Joomla pages?

For example: index.php?option=com_contact&view=categories&lang=en Perhaps you have never used this contact component and there is no menu item created for it, yet for most Joomla websites ...
shenkwen's user avatar
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How to redirect website from non www to www ( Windows +Wamp+Joomla)

I have an issue here where I have already added line below into .htaccess file, AllowOverride all in httpd.conf file, enabled Use URL Rewriting from Joomla, but none of those work. Did I miss out ...
Petri's user avatar
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how to set <title> tag from article title with custom menu entry?

I am searching for a option to use the article title as a page title if I have defined a custom SEF-menu item. The only way which I have found is to set the page title via the menu item. But this ...
laendle's user avatar
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How to remove category from URL?

I have a little problem - I want to remove categories and submenus from URL in Joomla 3.9.3. Of course, I did basic things like removing ID from URLs, but removing category is like a milestone for me. ...
michalkowalczyk's user avatar
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Difference between article meta description and Google result's presented text

I'm using Joomla 3.9 for posting my articles. I've recently noticed the meta description appearing for my articles on Google and the ones I've written in Joomla are different. It seems Google is just ...
Gregory S Mathew's user avatar
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How to have article page use a template other than the one of its category?

Let's say I already have a menu_item_A set as a "category blog" page of category myblog, and the template associated with it is templateA. When I go to this page and click one of the articles, if ...
shenkwen's user avatar
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How to make Category Links noindex

Is there a way to make all my categories to be "noindex"? (Plugin or even better default joomla way) Right now crawlers find the category URLs and thus create duplicate content on search engines. ...
cilap's user avatar
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How to set noindex on components

Anyone who can tell me how I can disable the component users to provide search engines the noindex, means: <meta name=robots content="noindex" /> for example in all Joomla instances, the URL /...
laendle's user avatar
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Joomla tag links in articles url problem

Having the latest Joomla 3.9.1, when I insert tags in articles, the url when I hover over the tags under the article from a category blog page is I have ...
user712961's user avatar
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Custom template creates multiple H1 tags on same page

I´m new to Joomla and started on my own template. Using this code to get articles: <jdoc:include type="component" /> Output multiple tags on the same page... This is, as far as I know, bad ...
Jonas Borneland's user avatar
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Redirect problem

Over the last couple of years I have taken over a website made up of several parts, ie there were some traditional html pages, a php “wiki” installation and a similar php “knowledgeable” installation. ...
Dunxmax's user avatar
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Joomla incorrectly displays the modules of the homepage on blog articles page

The Blog article URL is like the following: It only shows the modules that are assigned specifically to ...
Suthan Bala's user avatar
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Creating unique page titles for blog pages

How do I set unique page titles for blog pages like these? /news?limitstart=0 /news?start=3 /news?start=6 These are pages of blog articles from my blog page on my site.
Kris's user avatar
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Canonical tag problem in Joomla articles

look at the URLs below: 1. /essays/technical-essays/180-technologies/247-megapixel 2. /essays/technical-essays/247-megapixel 3. /essays/technical-essays/technologies/247-megapixel 4. /essays/...
kiasaty's user avatar
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unwanted categories and pages shown on the website

pages like this open in my site and won't throw 404 page: > > ...
kiasaty's user avatar
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Language code 'en' not removed from URL

I'm trying to set up a multilingual site for Danish and English (US) languages. I've turned on the option "Remove URL Language Code" in the Language Filter plugin. This does remove the "da" codes from ...
RenniePet's user avatar
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Joomla page title is not article title for some articles

I am using version 3.6.5. After some SEO inspection, we realized that some article pages are using duplicate page titles (the site name being the page title). I compared the article whose page title ...
Suthan Bala's user avatar
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Meta description Error

I'm a newbie in joomla CMS. I have this problem: even if in Meta Description of the artiche there's the correct description, I notice that meta description tag of resulting page is like that: [...
Alessandro Sbenaglia's user avatar
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Custom component with Ajax filter and SEO

I started the development of my first Joomla component a few months ago but I needed to stop, because other projects. Now I'm back to work. The thing is, my component is displaying a list of items ...
TJ is too short's user avatar
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things to consider when choosing an eCommerce template

I'm a web designer working for a cctv company. the website is built with Joomla CMS and i'm working on it for almost 2 years. i have seo and speed problems with the template. i'm considering changing ...
kiasaty's user avatar
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Ways to analyse TTFB for a Joomla site

My site's ttfb is very high. I used to use JCH-optimize plugin to enhance the page load. Then when I enabled Joomla's system-cache plugin, TTFB reduced to less than 1 second. ...
kiasaty's user avatar
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1 answer

duplicate content for an article URLs [duplicate]

look at the URLs below: 1. /essays/technical-essays/180-technologies/247-megapixel 2. /essays/technical-essays/247-megapixel 3. /essays/technical-essays/technologies/247-megapixel 4. /essays/...
kiasaty's user avatar
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Joomla Robots.txt and Google

Google says my site is not mobile-friendly, though my site is responsive. see the photo below: As you see the site is not opening correctly in the preview. Then I commented out the following ...
kiasaty's user avatar
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Multple urls for a product with multiply categories

I have a cctv camera shop and I'm using the last version of joomla and virtuemart. I have a "bullet hd camera" the categories are: camera --> hd-camera --> bullet-hd-camera bullet-hd-camera is ...
kiasaty's user avatar
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How can I remove Structure Data from my content

i like to remove the structure data from my content. How can I do that? for example: itemprop="headline" itemprop="articleBody"
Benjamin Lutje's user avatar
5 votes
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TimeToFirstByte problem in joomla

my site was working fine till a few months ago thanks to "jch plugin" and "cache plugin" and page load time improved to 3 seconds and response time under 1 second. but suddenly response time went up ...
kiasaty's user avatar
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Joomla Redirect without changing url

I am looking for a way to redirect joomla to a different page without changing the url in the address bar. We currently have a site setup that when it encounters a 404 page (eg. it ...
Typhado's user avatar
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Is it safe to use `Use URL Rewriting` option?

I'd like to remove index.php from joomla URLs. Though I'm little worried that this can affect keyword positions in google. Is it safe to turn this parameter ?
Jonuux's user avatar
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Meta Title is not showing in Joomla website for Article pages

I am facing an issue where Joomla article pages are not showing Tag. While it shows other meta tags as below : Here is the URL of testing version site : How i can ...
Info Truth's user avatar
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Multilingual Site Map joomla

I have a multilingual Joomla 3.6.5. My question is how can I create a sitemap for the installed languages? I know that extensions exist for doing that, but if you don't want to use it how is this ...
Harrk's user avatar
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SPpagebuilder accordion +Fetch as Google problem

Recently i purchase theme based on SP PageBuiler and description says it is included as Pro version. But SPpagebuilder forums required their subscription witch i of course don't have... And theme dev ...
user9552's user avatar
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Custom message by menu item

One of my clients wants to display a message for SEO purposes on each page (menu item) and I know this can be easily solved with several modules of the type "custom html" each one assigned to its ...
Piero Marsilio's user avatar
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How to remove Content older than a specific date with 410 status code

so I have a Joomla Website with a lot of content (10k+ items acumulated over the last 10 years). I want to remove the Content of the first 5 Years because it costs a lot of Crawler Budget for Google. ...
OmegaTCU's user avatar
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Does it influence SEO if I make short url for all pages in my site?

1) Is it OK if i make short URL for almost every article in my Joomla! site like 2) Is it OK if some of the articles has more than one menu? 3) What is the best way ...
David Bereihi's user avatar
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301 Redirect all K2 Items (or Joomla! articles) to the Parent Category

I have a Joomla! + K2 site that uses categories as main landing pages with articles filling in various sections of the page. Thus, I don't want articles to be seen or indexed by Google individually. ...
Michael Yaeger's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get high score on Google PageSpeed Insights with Joomla 1.5?

with i tested an old Joomla 1.5 website and i got really bad results. I managed to working on some points and it was succesfull. Now i have a few points open. Eliminate ...
Navitua's user avatar
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What is the best way to switch an existing Joomla site from http to https (SEO)

What is the best way to switch an existing Joomla site from http to https (SSL), technically and also from an SEO approach. 1st, i had a rule in my htaccess but it was not perfect : RewriteCond %{...
Sébastien Gicquel's user avatar
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Add querystring parameters and generate a SEF URL

we have a custom PHP script which is running under JUMI to perform and display some data. The custom script is accessible to a SEF url such as which is a ...'s user avatar
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redirecting index.php urls on non-index.php urls

my site's URLs open in both with and without index.php. see below: how can i ...
kiasaty's user avatar
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redirect component in joomla doesn't work

When i redirect a page to another page in redirect component, It doesn't work. in my site when i write something at the end of the url, it redirects on the home page. for example http://www.farafan-...
kiasaty's user avatar
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