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Questions tagged [front-end]

The Front-end is the public part of a Joomla site, and what the users see when they visit a website.

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How to force frontend users to select a content category in Joomla 5?

Despite training, too many users write their content (in the frontend) and save it without ever selecting a category. The content category dropdown is 'out of sight and out of mind' hidden behind the ...
Michael's user avatar
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Joomla 4: Redirect to a wished page after front-end login does not work

I am using a non-published login-menu-item. Calling this item, displays the login-module. After login, I want to redirect to the homepage, but instead it is displaying the introducing - and featured ...
Mary's user avatar
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Can't access Front End Editing for articles of a category blog

When I login on the front end of my Joomla-Site, I can only edit articles that are shown in a menu-item-type "single article". Those articles that are shown in a menu-item-type "...
Felix's user avatar
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Discover utility not finding component

I'm developing a component and Joomla can't find it using the Discover utility. This is my component xml file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <extension type="...
Mindaugas's user avatar
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Login module crashes after 4.2.2 update

All my sites are crashing when the login module is brought up from a link. If the module is left on the site (without a link) the site crashes. I still have admin access and I have disabled the login ...
Jim Beal's user avatar
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404 View not found [name, type, prefix]

I'm currently building a new Joomla! 4 component from scratch by following along a series of blog posts since I am new to Joomla! and its development. I am using Joomla! 4.1.5 Unfortunately I am not ...
pollux's user avatar
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Forwarding to the item page after the creation of the item via front end editing

I wrote a small joomla 4 component and made it possible to create a new item in the frontend. After creating a new item, Joomla core components usually redirects to a list view. But I want to redirect ...
agi's user avatar
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How to populate Frontend Article Editor with existing Article content, Joomla 4?

We are building a new site founded on Joomla 4, and would like to only use core extension like the Article features built into Joomla 4, but we've run into a wall trying to implement editing an ...
Fred's user avatar
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Create a category from frontend in Joomla 4

The registered user gets the "Author" access rights. Through the menu, you can make the button "Create material" and the Author, having entered the site, can create this material. ...
Patrick Bond's user avatar
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How to render joomla.searchtools filters in the front end of a custom component?

I'm trying to render the joomla.searchtools in the front end of a custom component. I extended JModelList for my model, and I can see the list in the front end. Pagination works well. But when in my ...
framontb's user avatar
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Front end editing, publishing and images tab have disappeared

I'm using Joomla! front end editing but the only tab available is "content". The publishing and images tabs have disappeared. They were working so I must have changed something but I can't ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Display an editor in the front end using a module

I'm trying to display an editor using a module in the front end. I want visitors to be able to edit and create articles but from a module not a component. I've tried: jimport( 'joomla.html.editor' ); $...
user1616338's user avatar
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Frontend editor with save image uploading methods

I am trying to build a forum where users are allowed to upload and insert image into their posts. Surprisingly, this is not as easy as it seems. TinyMCE when used on frontend doesn't have the "...
shenkwen's user avatar
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How to hide specific User activity options in the frontend only?

I want to hide the options "Send notifications for User Actions Log" and "Select events to be notified for Articles" (not disable them completely) in the admin's "edit profile ...
Retros's user avatar
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Some users cannot log in on frontend

I have some users who are stuck in a loop where entering their login information redirects them back to the login page and nothing happens. A few were able to get around this by using another device ...
Nick's user avatar
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Randomly render one of the modules in a given position

I have several modules for a given position, but I only want to display one of them (selected randomly) on the front-end in a Gantry template. Is there any way to do this?
shenkwen's user avatar
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How to use component config permissions on the frontend?

I am having an issue with the Access component parameters from inside own component. I have tried the code listed in the first answer, but it did not work. Below is an image of the back end config ...
Christopher Cox's user avatar
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Is there a way to change the layout or theme used when editing an article or module from the frontent

I don't have any problem using the back-end for creating and editing content, but my clients do. I want to provide them with some simpler menu options that are targeted for editing or creating ...
Josh Gust's user avatar
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Is there any way to put subcategories in a Joomla menu?

I've been trying to change the way my website works. Currently, I have a menu that displays categories, but now I want to also display subcategories in it. I know that I can display articles of that ...
Pedro Ferreira's user avatar
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Create a link from Backend to SEF Path in Frontend

I would like to create a link in Administrator Panel that redirect a user to an SEF url in Frontend. Code in Backend <?php $link = JUri::root() . 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&...
spiNOops's user avatar
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How to send data with save2copy button?

I'm developing a component. I want to have the save as copy button appear next to each element on my front end list view. I have copied the save as copy buttons html from the edit view of a single ...
Jonas Borneland's user avatar
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Front-end custom Joomla module to upload an image and save it in the Joomla images folder

I work on a custom Joomla module that would let users to upload profile images. I created a JForm and wanted to use the form field type "file" as below: <field name="Photo" type="file" label="...
wanderlusted's user avatar
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Breadcrumb separator is not showing consistently

Not all of the breadcrumb values are properly separated by a slash on my site. The delimiting slash is present between the first and second crumb, but gone on the next resulting in the second and ...
MirlvsMaximvs's user avatar
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FieldsPlugin onCustomFieldsPrepareDom $field on save different on front and backend

I currently develop a FieldPlugin for myself. I noticed some things and don't understand them fully right now. My plugin works in the backend perfect, but raises errors on the frontend, so I did some ...
svanschu's user avatar
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How can you password protect your frontend while you start developing a page, and which is the safest web hosting service?

I'm quite a beginner in Joomla; only designed 1 website so far; but the whole setup / domain name + web hosting configuration and lock of the frontend was made in advance for me; so I'd really like to ...
Joe's user avatar
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Frontend pagination links do not send POST request

I built a view (call it 'history') to display a list of historic records with couple filters. A change of filter value will trigger the submit (onchange = "submit();"). The view will get the new ...
waze's user avatar
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How can I enable the created date for an article to be edited in the front end?

I don't know how to enable editing the created date of an article in the front-end, after updating to Joomla 3.8.10. So far I used to override the article's edit form com_content -> form > edit #...
Stuart's user avatar
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How do I make a login page just like Joomla's backend?

I want my homepage to be like Joomla's administration page, meaning there is only a login form displayed on the page. The hard part is, although it is not hard to make a homepage like this and I can ...
shenkwen's user avatar
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How display values from subform in front end?

I created a simple component with a subform that stores data in a database. Now I need to display this data on the front page. The data is displayed as is from db {"comment0":{"comment":"one"},"...
Nik's user avatar
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How to find path and list files in directory?

I would like to simply list some files from my web server and display the file names on the front-end of my website. I use Sourcerer plugin and created a custom module where I inserted this code to ...
MailBlade's user avatar
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where is frontend user parameter in Joomla 3.8

I want to hide some fields from Joomla front-end Profile editor (Editor, Timezone, Front-end Language). There was a post on this exchange in 2014 that describes the procedure: Users >> User Manager >...
user12469's user avatar
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How to restrict number of successful frontend logins per user

Is there any plugin for restrict number of successful frontend logins per user? I looked around but without success, and have no idea how to achieve that on the other way. Any advice? Joomla is 3.8.1
Vladimir Kraguljac's user avatar
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Joomla! 3.8 - How to hide Publishing Tab in front end

My registered users can log in to see, create and edit only their own articles. This works fine. However, when a user creates or edits an article, the "Publishing" tab appears at the top with "Content"...
MaxVK's user avatar
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How to edit 'created date' from front end

What file I have to change to edit the created date of an article from the front end? Using joomla 3.8.1.
Inaki's user avatar
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Crash front page, can access any page, only control panel works

I need your help, I must revive this site but I don’t know what is going on and it doesn’t work the website. The administration panel works fine. Any ideas or from where to start http://www.enpi-...
Vassilis's user avatar
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filter db by a single date - how to hack the standard calendar form field

I used to build a component. The component has a table with a date field and a frontend view which shows the contents of the table with a filter which can show the items between ...
Nathanael's user avatar
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Article appears even outside given path

I've recently come across some strange behaviour of my Joomla 3.6.5 installation. I've noticed that (with SEF on) any article preceded by its ID is displayed if called directly by its URL, and not ...
Michael's user avatar
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K2 Items edit icon missing

I have been trying a lot lately to get this thing work.I'm using Joomla 3.6.5 and I am using JA University Template.I see when I log in through front end I am able to see the K2 edit icon for modules....
Faheem Rasheed's user avatar
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Make "Version Note" mandatory in frontend form

I am using Joomla 3.6.5. On my site I allow registered Authors to add articles. "Version Note" is one of the fields but it is optional. I want to make it mandatory. I have enabled versioning for ...'s user avatar
4 votes
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What dictates the HTML that is generated for Front-End Search Tools?

I'm not much of a front-end guy, and many areas of the "magically created" code remains a mystery to me as it just "happens" and I'm satisfied with it, so this is likely going to be one of the "duh" ...
GDP's user avatar
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Frontend edit not working - "ReferenceError: Joomla is not defined"

When i try to edit my posts in the joomla frontend i get the following error: Uncaught ReferenceError: Joomla is not defined I can open the posts editor in the frontend, change the content and when ...
public9nf's user avatar
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Show frontend pages in backend

I have a component (in fact it is a ticket system) that only provides ticket editing in the front-end. However since most of our other important admin functionality is in the backend (administration)...
Deckard's user avatar
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Joomla 3.6.2 Users can't log in on the front-end. Back-end login unaffected

I have a Joomla 3.x site that I recently updated to 3.6.2. Everything was working fine, or so I thought, until I received an email from the client saying that they can't login to the employee section ...
AWarnock's user avatar
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Displaying version-note on articles

How can i display a version-note from an article on the front-end – like the date or author tags?
Fjorten Syvogtredive 1437dk's user avatar
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Override category list of K2 frontend item form

I have overwritten K2 Frontend item submit I made a copy of components/com_k2/templates/default/itemform.php to templates/YOUR TEMPLATE/html/com_k2/SUBTEMPLATE NAME/itemform.php Based on the ...
Guilherme's user avatar
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Creating articles in front end. Status field is disabled and articles remain unpublished

I have a site were certain users can create, edit and publish articles on the front end. These users are using the default "Author", "Editor", "Publisher" user groups and permissions. They can do all ...
Typhado's user avatar
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Moving "Category" to the "Content" in the Frontend Edit

This is a hard question I know that. But i hope someone somehow have the answer for it. When you login the fronted in Joomla, and press "edit article" and you can se the tabs which are "Content" "...
Peter's user avatar
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Joomla frontend not loading after upgrading to 3.5

Yesterday I upgraded my joomla site from 3.4 to 3.5 . From then I can access the backend but nothing shows up in the frontend. How can I troubleshoot it? Thanks
Spiros Mitropoylos's user avatar
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K2 add item in frontend without registration

I wonder if there is an option in K2 to allow any visitor of my page to add an article without registration? For security reasons there also should be a recaptcha for the submitting form enabled. So ...
Matze's user avatar
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First Attempt PHP Plugin

New to php and plugin building. I am a front end guy but need to learn templates building in Joomla. I have a small one working that gives you the ability to insert and change some text in the ...
Dawdre's user avatar
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