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Questions tagged [cache]

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3 answers

How to version assets/images on the entire CMS?

Is there any way to force versioning of specific assets or media types (like .webp images) on all pages of the CMS? I'd imagine it'd be an extension or something that adds ?ver=xyz type of postfix to ...
Destroy666's user avatar
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How to change 'Response Headers "cache-control" '

I have got a site running on AWS using Cloudfront which is caching the site. I've got browser and page cache enabled in Joomla. However, when looking at the Response Headers, under cache control it's ...
RustyJoomla's user avatar
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Dev Tools Don't Show Cache-Control in Response Only no-cache (on Apache Server)

I have followed the tutorial to setup Browser Caching on My Droplet: What I want to accomplish ...
Riad N Haddad's user avatar
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After updating Joomla 3.9 - Class 'Joomla\CMS\Cache\Cache' not found

I have updated Joomla to 3.9 and now I see this error every time I try to load the website: Error: Class 'Joomla\CMS\Cache\Cache' not found: Class 'Joomla\CMS\Cache\Cache' not found Error reporting ...
Kaballo's user avatar
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Cache works for html view but not for xml output

I'm currently debugging (and trying to understand why) the caching for the html view is created, but not for the xml view. I read the Joomla! documentation article
svanschu's user avatar
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Best way to clear a group's cache in Joomla via php, from an administrator plugin?

So background: I'm making a caching plugin that clears our site and CDN caches when content is saved in the administrator backend. In this instance, I want to clear the site cache for one group. My ...
Obscerno's user avatar
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Magically sections and positions getting lost or deleted

I have an issue on multiple pages, which I cannot explain myself. All pages have in common that they use gantry 5 based themes nearly the same plugins the magically disappearing section is <...
laendle's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can I clear the cache for the params of a custom component?

I am working on a custom component and it works as intended as long as I do not have cache enabled. In the admin section of the component, I have a view that can change the "component params": $...
jost21's user avatar
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Joomla 3.9.X: Website speed on page speed

I have a site with joomla with a good template and excellent performance. The only problem remains the same: the speed for mobile on google pagespeed. On my site with joomla 3.9.x I have activated all ...
Gabriel91's user avatar
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3 answers

How to remove image from Joomla cache

I have to make changes to an image on an old Joomla site (V 3.7.4). Logging into the backend causes a server error 500. I've updated the image (which is located in templates/shaper_helix_ii/images), ...
clayRay's user avatar
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How to use cache calls in Joomla 4

From the documentation I use this part to store a large chunk of data if (empty($families)) { $cache = Factory::getCache(); $families = $cache->call( array( 'JFormFieldFamily', 'getFamilyList' ...
thednp's user avatar
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Site keeps browsing itself all the time

I run the server where this Joomla! site is hosted, so I have root access to it. There is something in the configuration, or somewhere in its code, that keeps browsing the site itself. If I run # ...
Lucio Crusca's user avatar
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Can I set the directory that Joomla cache will store data in for my module?

Joomla has a nice "Clear Cache" page that lists cached content and lets you delete it. I'd like to allow cached content from my module to be deleted from there. I'm using Joomla's built-in cache ...
Obscerno's user avatar
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Caching a page separately for users and guests?

I've written a custom component and I'm trying to improve its performance by including Joomla's caching. One view has additional detail which is only included for logged in users. I've been ...
Seoras's user avatar
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Caching items with different cache lifetime

I'm looking into using Joomla's caching mechanism for a plugin. However I would need to cache the plugin data for a given period of time irrespective of the site-wide cache settings. Is it possible ...
Spudley's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Website speed is awful

I work as an apprentice web developer who has been left in charge of the web team (all of my colleagues have left) and have been left with an impossible task. We have a 10-core Windows server, with ...
LukeBurke_PremierEPOS's user avatar
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How to purge (clear) all cache files in Joomla 2.5?

Documentation provides code for clearing expired cache ( <?php /** * @package Joomla.Cli * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

How to force cache/browser data clearing in browser?

Scenario: I have upgraded an old Joomla! website from 2.5 to the latest version of Joomla!. After doing so the site from my point of view looks as it should. If I try to access the site from another ...
Nick's user avatar
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Persistent problem with Joomla cache

I have a Joomla site which has had persistent on-going problems with its cache. We are able to resolve these problems as they happen by going to the admin panel and clearing the caches, but would ...
Simba's user avatar
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Having to clear the cache even though caching is turned off?

On on of the Joomla sites I manage, the Cache Settings in Global Configuration -> System is set to OFF - Caching is disabled. However, when we make changes to the articles, it is necessary to go to ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
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class 'JCache' does not have a method 'cleanCache'

According to ,I must use $cache->cleanCache(); if I want to clear the joomla cache in my custom script. That function throws the error "...
pkExec's user avatar
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JToolbarHelper contents disappearing when cache is enabled

I've setup my custom component using JToolbarHelper for navigation, following the standard set by base Joomla components. Each view contains some variation of the following: JToolbarHelper::title(...
Chaosxmk's user avatar
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Setting: Session lifetime and Cache time

Joomla 3.7.5 The default values of both are 15 minutes, which means I have to re-login very often. So I always change it to 60. But I have been aware since long time ago, that when they are set to 60,...
shenkwen's user avatar
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Joomla 3.7.5 Disable Redis Cache

after updating the Joomla site (hosted on a server with php set to 7.0.18) from version 3.7.4 to version 3.7.5, I found the Radis cache set. I can not disable cache from global configuration, and any ...
Joso's user avatar
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Component getList cache not loading/saving

I've built a custom component, and I'm trying to make it a bit faster, and while I was rooting through model core files I saw that their getItems() uses a caching to reduce DB queries: $store = $this-...
Chaosxmk's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to clear the cache in the administration?

I made a change to an admin component, but it's not reflected immediately. Is there a way to make the admin cache refresh? I know with modules you can set cache to none, but this is a component so I ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Disabling cache on specific part of page from above comment

I am facing a problem in part of page of an extension on comments When cache is enabled, there is some json token error due to cache When cache is disabled, the user can easily post in comment Is ...
Ruchika's user avatar
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Joomla 3.7 404 Component Not Found

I've just upgraded to Joomla 3.7 (from 3.5) and now I'm encountering issues after installing extensions & components. I receive a 404 Component not found error. I've tried with various extensions ...
jonboy's user avatar
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Change ZOO cache update frequency

Is there a way to modify the interval that the zoo cache updates thumbnails? OR disable it entirely? I have been sorting through the code and haven't found anyway yet. The problem I am running into ...
YellowWebMonkey's user avatar
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Custom cache for module

I've made a module that needs to cache its output by country, or not at all. I've found this post which describes how to do it with a component, but how would you do it with modules? To turn off ...
Olle Härstedt's user avatar
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Can't edit my module, blank page with an select input

This is probably a difficult question to ask because I can't give a lot of information. When I open the edit screen in the admin-side of a module, it's being shown for a split second and then the page ...
Jeroen van Haasteren's user avatar
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Joomla Template - site design not updating

I am new to using Joomla, I have a temporary hosting account on Demojoomla. I have installed a template called Helix When I go to Extensions > Templates > Styles I can click on my template and ...
NickJ's user avatar
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4 answers

CSS Change won't apply - Where could the cache be?

I've encountered a strange problem that I've never seen before. I edited a CSS file and uploaded it to my server. From my hosting's file manager, I can see the file is updated. But in my local ...
shenkwen's user avatar
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Reverse Caching Support using nginx

How can I implement Reverse Caching Support using nginx mentioned in Joomla 3.6 features? Joomla! 3.6 now supports reverse caching proxies like Varnish or an NGINX caching proxy. These help to ...
azeem's user avatar
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How does com_contact caching work when it has a form token?

I've been looking into conservative caching recently and felt I'd got my head around it. However, when I added it to a site, I was surprised to see that the core component com_content caches forms. ...
RichardB's user avatar
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Caching a component's view for less than a minute

I have a component which has a feed. This feed updates constantly, pulling information from external sources. To reduce pressure on my server at high traffic periods, I want to give the generated feed ...
RichardB's user avatar
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Error displaying the error page: The file Cache Storage is not supported on this platform.: The file Cache Storage is not supported on this platform

I have installed Joomla 3.6 in ubuntu 16.4. but after installation of Joomla, I see the following error: Error displaying the error page: The file Cache Storage is not supported on this platform.: ...
sonic69's user avatar
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Some pages are randomly served as XML/feed and not as HTML

I'm having this random issue: In some pages (not always the same, and without a readable pattern), the pages are served as XML/feed and not as HTML. What I've found out is that the correct <meta ...
jackJoe's user avatar
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HTTP ERROR 500 when loading com_cache

Recently, my joomla's website has been showing 500 server error every time I open the cache manager as described below: In Browser's Console: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a ...
Aung Myo Linn's user avatar
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Why do I have to clear browser cache to see backend changes?

This question is related with Change on the back-end takes 30 mins or longer to show on front-end, what could possible be the cause? When I asked the above question I couldn't see any changes on ...
shenkwen's user avatar
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ZOO Cache extremely big - 170 GB and growing!

I have set up a site for a customer. The site uses both Zoo and Widgetkit, many products, services and news pages have some Widgetkit slideshow in them. There are "quite a few" pages and images.......
Antonio's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make redirections cacheable in Joomla?

I am confused. To speed up page load times for visitors of your site, remove as many landing page redirections as possible, and make any required redirections cacheable if possible. Does any ...
zuz's user avatar
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How do I use Joomla's built-in cache busting technique for scripts and stylesheets?

JHtml::script and JHtml::stylesheet have a cache busting technique that doesn't seem to be documented clearly. How do I go about using it?
Flimm's user avatar
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Why am I not seeing current content in my frontend and backend?

I am using a templated Joomla3 system (Joomla version 3.4.8) and have one problem that's causing disfunctionality to the whole site. The problem persists in the backend as well as on the frontend. I ...
Adnan Tubić's user avatar
5 votes
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Updating deprecated methods

I'm updating an old bit of custom Joomla plugin, and there's a deprecated line saying JResponse::allowCache(false); -- what's the "right" way to handle this for Joomla 3.x compatibility? Also, ...
user101289's user avatar
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Disable Gantry caching

I have a site using RocketTheme free template, and it`s using Gantry framework. Now Ι need to add a page with some PHP code, so using Sourcerer I made a simple page using com_content and including my ...
TopClans's user avatar
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Can't clear a cache of Joomla module

I created some Joomla module for my client and he installed it in his backend. After a while I made some edits in the module and my client reinstalled it but my edits don't apply on his website (...
stckvrw's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can't turn on cache in 3.4.4

I have a complex install of Joomla 3.4.4 with jSeblod and many other extensions. We are planning to use Varnish4 in front of the web server and because of that need to turn on proper Cache-Control ...
jdog's user avatar
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2 answers

After updating content some computers see new version but some old at the same time

I don't know why. Different browsers, computers and internet providers - some show current version of text on my page and some show old content. Site is Version of Joomla is 2.5.27. We ...
Vitaly Zdanevich's user avatar
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Joomla creates folders inside cache with 640 permission

I have Joomla! 2.5.18 and when I clean cache are either folders inside /cache newly created or overwritten with permission from 755 to 640. Why is that happening? I've checked through the files ...
Navitua's user avatar
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