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Questions tagged [administration]

questions about the maintenance of a Joomla website, including the Joomla /administrator/ back-end where site administrators can do administrative tasks.

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User gets blocked after first login every time

We have Admin Tools installed but we have white listed our IP address. Every time my colleague logs in he is automatically blocked. We don't see his IP address in Admin Tools, but it is white listed ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Why won't my CSS variables change value?

I'm making changes to Atum. I'm changing the colours and I'm using user.css. I've placed it in: /media/templates/administrator/atum/css/user.css I initially tried using :root and giving each ...
Eoin's user avatar
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5 votes
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Workflow question: How to fix missing com_messages text?

Whenever a user submits and article on one of my sites, the message that comes across has only COM_MESSAGES_NEW_MESSAGE as the subject and COM_MESSAGES_NEW_MESSAGE_BODY. I've tried several things, ...
LMK Web's user avatar
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3 votes
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Deleting user account when user has published articles

We've got a few dozens registered users on our website. They all have the right to publish, and edit articles in selected categories. Some of those users no longer need their access. So I can either ...
phunsoft's user avatar
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Can't login to admin with no errors (joomla 3.9.3)

My site on Joomla 3.9.3 is working well but since last week no one admin user can log in. There are no errors, the login form just refreshes after any submission. I've tried to rewrite Joomla core ...
algeron's user avatar
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2 answers

Call com_ajax from module backend

To create thumbnails & cache files, I have to access my already created Ajax Functions inside my helper.php file. I'm already able to call the functions within the frontend (button that is ...
Marco's user avatar
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Cannot install due to memory being exhausted and duplicated software

I have a problem with a Joomla! site that I did not build. It is due to memory being exhausted. When I try to install I get this message: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Javascript in administration (modules / content-plugins) [duplicate]

i have one doubt / question and don't know how to solve it: Imagine you have a subform-field with the multiple-parameter active to add multiple content-blocks, now, the thing is, in real life there ...
pixx's user avatar
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1 answer

file upload in admin backend - custom component

In my custom component/admin, in the item edit template I am trying to let the user upload a file. The problem is that the file is not being passed in my save function. There is not even in the array ...
mixahlos's user avatar
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Error displaying the error page: Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::addChild()

today updated Joomla 3.7.5 on 3.8.0 & I have error: "Error displaying the error page: Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::addChild(): Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::addChild()" ...
Alex K's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Joomla Website affected with Malware [duplicate]

My website has been blocked by google because it thinks it's been affected by malware. When I run scans they don't show anything. How can I detect what's wrong? My sites always get affected with ...
Faheem Rasheed's user avatar
4 votes
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Can I safely disable the core components I don't use

I don't really use: Contacts Banners Search Newsfeeds So my question is: Are they safe to disable? Are they safe to uninstall? Ideally, I'd like to make my installation as lightweight as ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Joomla Template:: Not able to see newly installed template

I am pretty new to joomla . I have a server which was having an old installation and old data. I installed template and set this ...
Shebin Mathew's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

CSS/HTML problem on Joomla config page (3.6.1 and 3.6.5)

I have a rendering problem with my config page, which is loaded with /index.php?option=com_config It shows up without any Styling - and without any embedded JavaScripts. When I look into the HTML ...
ESP32's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there an updates log in Joomla?

I am diagnosing a botched upgrade in a Joomla component. In order to find out exactly what happened, it would be really helpful to have a log of all the updates (system, extensions, components...) ...
PaulJ's user avatar
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Protecting modules from deletion or editing

Does anyone know a way to protect a custom module in it entirety (position, content and from being unpublished and or deleted) I have a module that I don't want other users from altering the file in ...
Bayly's user avatar
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1 answer

joomla 3.6 admin language won't change As the video shows, I go to language->installed->administration and change the default language to en-US, although the message is in English, the menu items won't ...
shenkwen's user avatar
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Joomla Beginner Tutorials - How to start with Joomla?

A friend told me to use this Joomla to set up my own website. Truth is I have no idea how to start with it. I have some html, css, php knowledge but never had to use a CMS before and specifically ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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3 answers

Mass Joomla sites Updates / Maintenance

I have around 100 websites on a single server, all in j3.2.x all working fine. Now if i want to add a single module/component/plugin in all the websites i have to log-in in all the websites and add ...
Brijesh Savaliya's user avatar
3 votes
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Adding Multiple Users in Joomla

How can to add multiple users in Joomla 3 without using an extension? Thank you! :)
Justin C's user avatar
8 votes
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Site clean up tips

I was hoping for some tips on how I should routinely 'clean up' my Joomla sites, as it's that time of year again! I'm sure we all do it to some extent, so I'm just looking for advice on what others do....
jonboy's user avatar
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2 answers

500 error in administrator

A new error on my website occured. I think I did not make any changes that could cause this problem. I can login in admin normally and then when I click on everything except installed components ...
Filip's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't see component in backend menu but can access it via a URL

I have a component called Fabrik installed on my site (running version 3.4.1) which works perfectly. Some months ago we migrated some content and other components across to the site from an older ...
Hannah Smith's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Remove 'Publishing', 'Language' and 'Metadata' options from frontend editor in Joomla 3.4

I would like to remove the 'Publishing', 'Language' and 'Metadata' options from the frontend. Does anyone know how this can be done? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
muri mula's user avatar
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Email notifications when users logging in to the administrator site

I would like to be notified via email when someone is logging-in to Joomla Administration interface as Superuser, and also know his ip address. Is it possible?
gr68's user avatar
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1 answer

Users can't save new article in backend (buttons does not show)

I've got an annoying problem and can't solve it. I need to create a lower-level admin access in my website backend, which can only create and edit articles. I started creating a new group (Admin ...
user2132234's user avatar
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How to set Website Owner

I've helped my school making its website, but a friend of mine who made it with me, somehow set himself as the 'owner' so whenever I link the website the Google Preview lists an image and a written ...
FET's user avatar
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How can I grant a non-Super User group permission to force check-in of articles?

I've created a custom user group for some Joomla 3.x websites which allow certain users particular administrative privileges, but only to the functionality they require (I trust my users', but I ...
Hobbes's user avatar
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3 answers

Unpublished Articles - hide

I've noticed that when an article is unpublished in the back end, it's still viewable when an admin is logged into the front end. This has causes some confusion with some (easily confused) clients. ...
jonboy's user avatar
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Front end module edit

Joomla 3.4.1 T3 Framework (v2.4.9) Uber Template (v2.1.1) xampp / win7 I'm having a really strange issue with front-end module editing (this is my secod post, deleted the first one as it was becoming ...
jonboy's user avatar
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User ID Warning

Joomla 3.4.1 I am using EasyBlog and have migrated all of my posts from Site A to Site B. I did this by selecting all of the relevant tables in Site A and importing to Site B (via phpmyadmin). All of ...
jonboy's user avatar
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Downgrade (rollback) Joomla Versions

Is is possible to downgrade Joomla versions, for example from version 3.4.3 to 3.4.1? I know restoring from a backup is the easiest and most efficient way, however is there an alternative? I have ...
jonboy's user avatar
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How Ι can unpublish one menu item (default item) from the menu?

Hi Joomla community Ι need help . I have one item in my main menu (default item menu) and Ι want to unpublished this item. When I hit the Unpublish button it shows me an error: Error Can't ...
Shehryar's user avatar
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Modifying Joomla's feedback message

How can I modify the feedback message returned by joomla? What method do I need to override in order to extend the functionality that renders this message?
Voj's user avatar
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Showing the intro or full image in the Article Manager

Hopefully someone will find this an interesting question... Is there any way that I can show a small thumbnail (doesn't need to be a generated thumbnail, just a scaled down version of the original ...
LeilaH's user avatar
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3.x backend title & dropdown

I've created my own component and I can't find the file with the settings for the title name in the backend. Whenever the current view is my component it displays the name properly but if the ...
Vic's user avatar
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Prevent Redirect on Joomla.submitform when submitting by custom function (JToolBarHelper::custom)

So i created a custom button in the toolbar of my joomla-administration component. I want it to do something in the background but NOT to redirect to another page. Unfortunately, it always redirects ...
LocalHorst's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Custom bootstrap error message

I am doing custom form validation at admin side and below is the sample javascript code Joomla.submitbutton = function(task) if(condition){ document.getElementById('jform_acc_reseller_id')....
Malaiselvan's user avatar
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How to show submenu on product detail page

I am working in joomla version 3.1.1 with joomshopping. It is showing submenu fine on category view, but when I go to the product detail page the submenus are not being displayed. Is there any way to ...
user3714488's user avatar
2 votes
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Deleting items in back end & trash manager

Just been doing a bit of housekeeping on a few of my sites (Joomla 3.x) and this feature has been (slightly) annoying me. Basically whenever I delete an article or item from the back end of my site, ...
jonboy's user avatar
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Check-out failed with the following error: The user checking out does not match the user who checked out the item

I went to edit my site's articles and modules, where I saw some items having a padlock next to their titles. When I click on these items to edit them, I am getting the following error: Error ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

How to move my site from subfolder to root?

I have a joomla site and it is installed in a subfolder in my hosting account. So now if I want to access my site I have to type I want to be able to access my site's homepage ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Add text in empty space in Joomla corpoboost theme

Please visit his link : On bottom you can see : "bottom menu". Below 6 links are there, below that some empty space is there. How to add some text in those empty space?
user2384317's user avatar
-3 votes
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Change the image in Joomla site

Please visit this link : On Bottom you can see "Contact address", on left of that there is a "fingerprints image". How to change the "fingerprint" image?
user2384317's user avatar
3 votes
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Redirects aren't working from com_redirect

I'm trying to have one url redirect to a different url, and I'm trying to get Joomla to handle it. In com_redirect in the Joomla admin, I'll add an entry for one url to be redirected to an second url,...
ContextSwitch's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

Changes on a joomla site do not reflect on the front end

I got a a joomla-powered site. Recently I added an article to the back end, published it but it does not show up on the front end of the website. I went further to 'unpublish' some of the articles ...
Mekicha's user avatar
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Using the extensions installer (upload package file) is not working all the times

I was very reserved to post this question, but this is something that I am facing in almost every website, and would like to get feedback from others on this. The upload package file in the ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Joomla tmp directory - What is it for and can I delete its content?

My Joomla website currently uses about 100 MB of storage. I checked my folders and found out that the tmp folder is about 30MB and contains a number of files and folders named like "...
FFrewin's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to add image/icon to the header of the administration pages of a component?

I am building my own component and I would like to add my icons/images left of the Title in the administrative pages of the component (backend), like the core components have. How to do this?
FFrewin's user avatar
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Custom Admin Panel/Back-End Functionality Starting Point

I'm new to Joomla, but not to CMSs in general(I have years of Drupal/Wordpress module/plugin development), but I am unsure of how to go about creating what a client asked for. Part of it is since I am ...
Eric's user avatar
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