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Questions tagged [.htaccess-configuration]

.htaccess is a configuration file for use on web servers running the Apache Web Server software.

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Access Joomla login from another domain via CNAME

I have a client ( who wants to setup a subdomain on their domain ( and point it to a login page on another of our client sites ( ...
RustyJoomla's user avatar
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Fresh !J5 installation on shared hosting keeps going to index.html

Fresh Joomla 5.1.x PHP 8.2.18 installation on friend's shared webhost. System info says "WebServer to PHP Interface litespeed" After installation, plain domain name URL ...
gettingitright's user avatar
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Sitemap.xml redirect rule creates a "page not found" error

I have the need to create a sitemap.xml static URL for my dynamic sitemap Joomla component, because GTranslate requires access to /sitemap.xml I have put a redirectrule, which used to work up to a few ...
David Attard's user avatar
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Why is my rewriterule not working in Joomla 4

I am using Joomla 4. I have a requirement to rewrite certain URLs to a specific article (article with ID 32). This worked OK with Joomla 3 but now I am getting unexplained error 404 using the same ....
user1104799's user avatar
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Rewrite rule in htaccess in joomla 4?

In J3 i used specific rewrite rules in .htaccess that worked fine but doesn't seem to work in J4. Here's an example : RewriteRule ^metier/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\.html$ /index.php?option=com_content&view=...
Joannes De KOSTER's user avatar
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Joomla 4 Router forward to Controller function

For a Joomla 4 component I just cannot figure out how to successfully forward or call a Controller function from within a custom Router. This is the Controller - it basically loads an image: <?php ...
cappu's user avatar
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htaccess QSA not working in Joomla 4

Migrating a Joomla 3 component to Joomla 4 I have problems with getting Apache Server htaccess correctly configured to append query string from request to substituted URL - QSA flag. - It looks like ...
cappu's user avatar
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How do I add an expires by type header for site.webmanifest?

I have a site.webmanifest file that was added when I created favicons for a website. A check on said: FAILED (No max-age or expires): https://[my-site]/site.webmanifest Having done ...
Gillian's user avatar
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How can I redirect all index.php from URLs to stop duplicate URLs?

My SEO team has reported duplicate URLs. I have turned on SEF URLs and I have renamed htaccess.txt to .htaccess. This does not show the index.php when I click on the link, but if I manually add it ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Very slow HTTP response times possibly due to SEF rules in htaccess

Im running Joomla 3.X and can't seem to pinpoint why I'm getting such high HTTP response times. I think I narrowed it down to the SEF rules in my .htaccess I ran some tests and thought to post my ...
Nick's user avatar
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Error 0 after moving Joomla site to subfolder

As told in the title, I just moved my 3.9 Joomla site to a subfolder on my apache server. Unfortunately when I'm trying to access it, I get this error "syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting end ...
clmjfr's user avatar
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Help: Joomla routing and pass-through redirects

I have a little project integrating a 3rd party application, which seems pretty easy and straight forward for the most part. However, it requires some internal Routing to be set in place, in order to ...
curious-george's user avatar
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Why is Joomla redirecting from to

I was advised to post here from Stack Overflow We need help. We're running an ad campaign and realized that a lot of paid traffic was landing on a 404 not found page. The issue is caused by auto-...
phvntom's user avatar
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Joomla restricted pages are redirected to 301 Moved Permanently after HTTPS redirection

I have Joomla site with a load balancer (AWS). The website is redirected to https, after redirecting home page works correctly. However, on restricted pages after login are giving the error 301 Moved ...
sourabhah's user avatar
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Joomla 4 website's backend not working after renaming htaccess.txt to .htaccess

I got a issue after renaming htaccess.txt to .htaccess in the public_html folder of my Joomla 4 website ( I renamed it in order to get rid of "index.php" in ...
Mohamed1308's user avatar
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Making /joomla subdirectory the website root AND forcing HTTPS

Setting up a Joomla site on Apache 2.4 on a Synology Disk Station. Joomla is unavoidably installed in a subdirectory of the web root (/web/joomla) and unfortunately do not have access to the Apache ...
Nathanael's user avatar
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.htaccess redirect causes invalid security token when logging in thru email link

I wanted to eliminate duplicate content by redirecting all requests to https://www... by using the below .htaccess entry: ## Begin - Custom redirects # # If you need to redirect some pages, or set a ...
wanderlusted's user avatar
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Invalid security token locks out users trying to log in through an email link

I ran into the below problem that blocks my users to log into my site: When the user needs to log in she gets a notification email with a button that links to the below address: https://www....
wanderlusted's user avatar
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Redirection not work from non www to www(https) You configured HTTP(80) on the standard HTTPS(443) port!

I'm currently have a website which runs under https and work with no issue and I've tried to do something on my .htaccess file so that when I try it will redirect to ...
Petri's user avatar
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How to redirect website from non www to www ( Windows +Wamp+Joomla)

I have an issue here where I have already added line below into .htaccess file, AllowOverride all in httpd.conf file, enabled Use URL Rewriting from Joomla, but none of those work. Did I miss out ...
Petri's user avatar
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Custom htaccess rewrites with PT flags

I'm attempting to add a custom RewriteRule in the default htaccess file in Joomla 3, but not having any luck getting it to work. The end goal is to create a URL with a wildcard subpage, like
Michael Bourne's user avatar
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Unable to rewrite url for frontend

I encounter some issues about the url that won't rewrite in frontend (only) of Joomla but I can't find where is the exact issue. This is the situation: I installed a quickstart package in a folder ...
user2976317's user avatar
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Media/Template folder fills up with constantly generating css and js files with 8 random characters appended to filenames

One of my site's media/template folder continues to generate new css and js files every few days. Each file is appended with an 8-character string of random alphanumeric characters. What I expect ...
user6805702's user avatar
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Redirect a specific page on one website to a specific page on another website

I am hoping someone may be able to help me. I am not experienced enough with .htaccess and rewrite etc to understand what is needed. I have the following already switched on in my Joomla global ...
Baz's user avatar
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Redirect administrator login page of multiple Joomla websites hosted in Apache server

I have around 10 Joomla websites hosted on Apache server. The admin URLs are similar to below patterns. . ...
user27's user avatar
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Add rewrite rule for site login to .htaccess

I have been trying to add rewrite rule to .htaccess file but it does not seem to work. I have Joomla latest version and I am trying to do it by: # Return 403 Forbidden header and show the content of ...
10101's user avatar
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htaccess to hide Joomla in public_html -> subfolder

I installed Joomla using a quickstart package and store the files in a subfolder (named: jml) in public_html/jml. I normally use the following commands to rewrite the url from ...
user2976317's user avatar
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htaccess 404 Redirect Not Working

I recently redesigned a site and there are loads of 404 pages, so to simplify things I want to add a redirect to my htaccess, redirecting any 404 pages to the home page. I though it was as simple as ...
jonboy's user avatar
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Homepage of multilingual site not working anymore after removing index.php (404); all other sites working

So I removed the "index.php" - part from the URL in Joomla in the following way: Change the htaccess.txt - file name to .htaccess via FTP Set the URL-rewrite Option in the Joomla Configuration ...
Joe's user avatar
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Remove index.php - file on multlilingual Joomla Site

As supported by various posts, I did : change the htaccess.txt - file name to .htaccess via FTP set the URL - Rewrite Option in the Joomla Configuration Options to "YES" Result: - index.php is ...
Joe's user avatar
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Google Search Console Crawl Anomaly in Joomla 3.x

Check the URL - no errors In the google search console, I got the error: Crawl-Anomaly Submitted Sitemaps Status ...
Cem Firat's user avatar
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Redirect direct registration page access by .htaccess

I would like to redirect registration page to homepage by using .htaccess now my code is redirecting to /component/users/?view=login&Itemid=437 which is login page. I would like to make ...
10101's user avatar
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Site keeps browsing itself all the time

I run the server where this Joomla! site is hosted, so I have root access to it. There is something in the configuration, or somewhere in its code, that keeps browsing the site itself. If I run # ...
Lucio Crusca's user avatar
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Custom 404 page

I am having trouble with custom 404 page, So I have been trying to get the custom 404 page to work but I have problem making it work right. All the methods that are described everywhere : make ...
Perovic 's user avatar
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Redirect loop when https

I added ssl-certificate on my Joomla web-site. My actions: Add certificate data to hosting In configuration check SSL for entire site In configuration.php rewrite live_site as ...
user3774771's user avatar
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Redirect problem

Over the last couple of years I have taken over a website made up of several parts, ie there were some traditional html pages, a php “wiki” installation and a similar php “knowledgeable” installation. ...
Dunxmax's user avatar
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sitemap.xml rewrite rule no longer working

We use a base build template for most of our site builds, and until a few months ago we have not had a problem re-writing the sitemap url to sitemap.xml. The rule we use is: RewriteRule ^sitemap.xml$...
Dtorr1981's user avatar
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Shorten some URLs and show them to the user in another format

I have some sections of my web in joomla that are accessed like this: ...
Norak's user avatar
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Joomla htaccess file

I have some old links (old platform) and I want to redirect them to the new ones. I have both old and new links but I can figure it how to modify the .htaccess file. Everything I try causes a 500 ...
Alex's user avatar
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.htacces replace all underscores with hyphens

I am having a struggle trying to get my .htaccess to remove all underscores from an url. I have a lot of old aliases in my articles and they are all with underscores. I have searched for a sollution, ...
Brum's user avatar
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Multiple Slashes in URL

I'm having a bit of a strange problem on a couple of Joomla sites and I'm not really sure where to start with figuring out what the problem is. When I crawl the site with Screaming frog, I am getting ...
Dtorr1981's user avatar
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Rewriting single URL - Multiple attempts without result

I'm looking for some specific advise - I am removing Joomsef from one of my sites as the support is poor and I need to rewrite some specific url's generated by the widgetkit component as the core sef ...
Dtorr1981's user avatar
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Impossible to set my joomla site timezone to Pacific/Tahiti (hosted in UTC)

I have exactely the same issue like in this post. For a Joomla site online booking (Joomla + Yootheme + Vik Appointment) I need Pacific/Tahiti default timezone and I still have UTC despite all my ...
Yannick Le Pogam's user avatar
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How to install Joomla in subfolder where Wordpress is installed in web root

I have Wordpress installed at I did have Joomla 3 installed at Now loads a Wordpress 404 for some reason. Even loads ...
Steve's user avatar
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My site downloads index.php instead of serving it if I use .htaccess

If I use Admin Tools to create a .htaccess file the site downloads the index.php file instead of serving it. What setting causes this, why does it occur, can it be fixed, and what are the ...
Eoin's user avatar
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All anchor tags take me back to home page

I'm trying to create some accessibility Skip links to be used with screen readers. I added the links at the top of the body tag and I added a corresponding anchor tag to both the main navigation and ...
chavab_1's user avatar
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Subdirectories being blocked by .htaccess / Admin Tools

I am running a Joomla site and managing the dev environment using cPanel. I have set up a subdomain which I will be building the new version of the website in like so — (with the ...
user19860331's user avatar
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How can I make a directory accessible without putting it on a menu?

I want users to be able to download a file from my Joomla website, but I don't want the URL posted anywhere on my site. How can I make a file downloadable without adding any links to it from my site?
Dan's user avatar
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Rewrite URL In joomla

Is it possible to do the following URL rewrite (not redirect) with htaccess? to I have also enabled URL rewriting in Joomla config, ...
Navitua's user avatar
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Pretty URL to custom joomla page

I have an URL: and I want to make pretty URL such as: I tried to correct htaccess: RewriteRule ^photos/([A-Za-z0-9-]+) /photos?photoId=$1 [L] ...
user3774771's user avatar