I have Wordpress installed at example.com.

I did have Joomla 3 installed at example.com/joomla.

Now example.com/joomla loads a Wordpress 404 for some reason.

Even example.com/joomla/index.php loads a Wordpress 404.

I can see the Joomla files are intact in the /joomla folder, and configuration.php contains the correct db details. I can see in phpMyAdmin the db is intact.

When I checked .htaccess in the /joomla folder it was called htaccess.txt. Renaming this to .htaccess did not resolve the problem.

How can I ensure the Joomla 3 website runs properly again from a sub-directory where Wordpress is installed in the root domain?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


You need to exclude the Joomla folder from WordPress's rewrite rules. In the WordPress .htaccess you would exclude /joomla

See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2322559/htaccess-wordpress-exclude-folder-from-rewriterule for more information

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