How do I turn off Joomla inserting a BASE tag into the HTML?
I found this answer, but I don't think it's permanent.
To remove the base tag in the header simply add this to your template file (index.php)
Using SEF URLs breaks all templates
I found the problem:
The templates were not at all responsible.
I am using the JCH Optimize plugin. In the Basic Options tab, there is a Use url rewrite parameter. That was the problem. When I ...
Add querystring parameters and generate a SEF URL
Looking at the router implementation of com_jumi here https://github.com/BonavalMultimedia/com_jumi/blob/master/com_jumi_bnvl/router.php for me it seems it doesn't handle extra parameters when sef is ...
J4 URL routing - cannot remove menu alias from URL - SEF issue
I believe this is a duplicate of this question, but the context given here is more exhaustive, so I think I clearly understand what the problem is.
The problem is that Joomla 3 worked in a wrong way - ...
Get the option and view values of a SEF url (i.e. the internal url)
The Joomla router will set up the "option", "view" etc input parameters once it's parsed the SEF URL. So you just have to overwrite those values using the input set method (https://api.joomla.org/cms-...
Search engines indexing blog items with both SEF urls and non-SEF urls
You have to add canonical link - the prefered URL.
You can use an extesion like RSSeo from RSJoomla or just do it with override.
Robert Went has a post - in english, where you can see how to use the ...
Search engines indexing blog items with both SEF urls and non-SEF urls
Three tips that I use:
1) Make sure you have a sitemap that's submitted to Google Webmaster Tools (and Bing's Webmaster Tools as well) and make sure that this sitemap is using all the correct URLs ...
How do I turn off Joomla inserting a BASE tag into the HTML?
I haven't tried it recently, but the following should still do it:
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
It can be placed in your template's index.php, or in a system plugin.
For ...
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