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6 votes

Create a link from Backend to SEF Path in Frontend

Since 3.9 there's Joomla\CMS\Router\Route::link() method which takes client (site or administrator) as first argument. $link = 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1'; echo '<a ...
Sharky's user avatar
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3 votes

Supporting SEF URLs in custom component

In the old days, the router.php file contained functions: BuildRoute and ParseRoute. Nowadays, if you look at the router.php of the banners extension for example, you will see a class called ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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2 votes

How does Joomla! URL Re-writing works?

The following are sequence of steps occur when you invoke a url: Joomla will split the url into parts separated by "/", each part (apart form website name itself) is alias of a menu item, an article ...
Nagarjun's user avatar
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Using SEF URLs breaks all templates

I found the problem: The templates were not at all responsible. I am using the JCH Optimize plugin. In the Basic Options tab, there is a Use url rewrite parameter. That was the problem. When I ...
Leonardo Pinheiro's user avatar
2 votes

Joomla 2.5.6 infinite 303 loop (SEF)

The problem is likely your HTTPS redirect. You are likely redirecting to HTTPS at the beginning of your .htaccess file, and later redirecting to HTTP. Another scenario is when your Joomla website is ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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Menu links working only for logged in users

It's probably best to run a backup before making any changes. SEF To narrow down the problem, try disabling URL Rewriting and SEF and renaming .htaccess to .htaccess.old. If this helps, try re-...
Neil Robertson's user avatar
2 votes

Article appears even outside given path

This is a problem with the Joomla content router. Specifically, in the following code: if (!$advanced) { $cat_id = (int) $segments[0]; $article_id = (int) $segments[$count - 1]; if ($...
itoctopus's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it safe to use `Use URL Rewriting` option?

When SEF is enabled on a Joomla website, the old non-sef urls still work normally so search engines will still be able to find the pages whether they use the SEF or non-SEF url. These days, Google ...
Neil Robertson's user avatar
2 votes

How to disable Joomla routing by Article ID with any alias but use exact alias only

May not be practical for blog articles, but a fixed url can be achieved via menu items: Otherwise, if I see it correctly, you have to ...
astridx's user avatar
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Update SEF URL to change what is output

Joomla works with internal (for example /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=42) and external SEF URLs (/some-name). The SEF URLs are created via the menu, and the "alias" ...
pe7er's user avatar
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J4 component URL not SEF

Solution found, all details on To create a routing in J4 with same behavior that J3, you need to create 4x files : /com_componentname/src/...
Yann's user avatar
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1 vote

Find Article SEF URL by ID

It's a bit unclear what's your exact goal and how you are going to use whatever possible answer you are going to get. Will you have all previous SEF URLs changed? Will you do a search and replace ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it safe to use `Use URL Rewriting` option?

Yes it is safe - its built into the joomla core to do so. All you need to do is rename the htaccess.txt to .htaccess and then enable it in the joomla global configuration screen.
Brandon's user avatar
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Does JRoute by default finds path to menu link (SEF)

JRoute::_() doesn't find anything. It just turns non-SEF links into SEF. How that is done depends on your component's router. Unless your component implements modern routing (introduced in 3.7, I ...
Sharky's user avatar
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SEF : URL shows user email - Routing

Which eCommerce component you are using ?, It may be the configuration of that component which appending the seller email_id to non-sef url. Check the configuration of the component and you may find ...
Sudhir Sapkal's user avatar
1 vote

Search engines indexing blog items with both SEF urls and non-SEF urls

You have to add canonical link - the prefered URL. You can use an extesion like RSSeo from RSJoomla or just do it with override. Robert Went has a post - in english, where you can see how to use the ...
KlintWeb's user avatar
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Search engines indexing blog items with both SEF urls and non-SEF urls

Three tips that I use: 1) Make sure you have a sitemap that's submitted to Google Webmaster Tools (and Bing's Webmaster Tools as well) and make sure that this sitemap is using all the correct URLs ...
Drew G's user avatar
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Joomla 2.5.6 infinite 303 loop (SEF)

Your problems could be related to a number of reasons: PHP version (Joomla 2.5 is not built to run on PHP 7) Try to set your new server to PHP 5.6 This is often done through your cPanel, or ask your ...
johanpw's user avatar
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1 vote

Custom Component URL router

if(empty($result)){ JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_YOURCOMPONENT_ITEM_NOT_FOUND')); }
Dennis Heiden's user avatar
1 vote

Get Joomla SEF Url from Database Query

You can use jroute and the contenthelperroute to get the sef urls. JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($id, $catid, $language)); If you only have the article ID's you can try this without $...
Wim de Ruijter's user avatar
1 vote

Joomla K2 articles redirect

Add this line to the very beginning of your .htaccess file: RedirectMatch 301 /blog/item/(\d+)-(.*) /blog/$2 Explanation: This part (\d+) matches any number immediately after /blog/item/ This part (...
itoctopus's user avatar
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Simplify menu item URLs

There are few ways to do it without any plugins: Create a detached menu (menu without any module) and add there the menu items you want to have a short URL. Use Redirects component to create a ...
Artur Stępień's user avatar
1 vote

Simplify menu item URLs

The simplest option may be to create a new menu which doesn't have an associated module (call it something like 'hidden'). This menu will not appear on the front of the site, but its items can still ...
RichardB's user avatar
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Does it influence SEO if I make short url for all pages in my site?

1) I believe it's not OK, but acceptable and it's up to you to decide. I mean SEF URLs are good for SEO. And SEF mostly if not only stands for human readable URLs. And short URL's are not. So they are ...
Alexandr's user avatar
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How to remove index.php from URLs with enabled URL Rewriting on localhost

check if apache rewrite_module ia active in your localhost
Piero Marsilio's user avatar
1 vote

What is the correct (preffered) entry in SEF plugin for Site Domain

That question has been asked so many times and created very long arguments that were never won by anyone. My thought: Take a look at google's website, and see if they use www, and do what they're ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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Redirect or add missing category alias to URL in Joomla 3.6

You could use the core Joomla! Redirects component. Documentation:
N.Fury's user avatar
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Add querystring parameters and generate a SEF URL

Looking at the router implementation of com_jumi here for me it seems it doesn't handle extra parameters when sef is ...
Pep Lainez's user avatar
1 vote

Weird chars in the beginning of SEF url

I found the answer. In my router file I was including model. And it's model file had BOM sygnature included. It was causing this error...
Tomasz Omeljaniuk's user avatar
1 vote

Safe SEF URL to a subdomain

I am not sure what you mean with the Multi-sites but 3 installations for 3 sites isn't considered a multi-sites scenario. Probably you have 1 Joomla website installed on the root of your hosting ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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