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Remove 'add to cart' button on all Virtuemart views except in productdetails

I am able to replace virtuemart 'add to cart' button. I am able to achieve it by help from Studio42 on virtuemart forum, discussion on this url. The following set of code, with php only will work: /...
Anant's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to override js scripts?

Sometimes the author of your component will provide a way to do such an override, so check the documentation first. If that is not possible, brute force works: I recently solved this problem for ...
Confidant's user avatar
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Is it possible to override js scripts?

Yes, and no... Let's start with the "no" - The Joomla core devs have created a way to inject scripts, but no (API) way to remove them. And, "Yes" , but it's complicated.... You'll need to create a ...
Michael's user avatar
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When order is placed can multiple emails be set as recepients in virtuemart 3?

While I have been using VM few years ago, I've had the same problem. Clients always wanted at least two email addresses as recepients, and I always needed my admin's email to receive orders for shop ...
Mikan's user avatar
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TLS Version for Joomla

You can't possibly make that site compliant with anything anymore! It uses seven years old extinct versions of Joomla and VM. Without major upgrade effort it will stay obsolete and unsecure. Over the ...
Mikan's user avatar
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TLS Version for Joomla

The TLS version is controlled by the web server, it has nothing to do with Joomla. That is a secure connection method. Talk to your hosts and ask them to verify that you have TLS 1_2 enabled on your ...
Terry Carter's user avatar
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Joomla and VirtueMart - Remove login button in checkout for guest

If the login button is a module, then assign that module to all pages except the checkout page. If that doesn't work, then you will need to override the login module, and then have a condition in the ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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Raw sql query returns multiple rows, but with Joomla methods only one row is returned

I found the error in my query. Original: JOIN mus_virtuemart_product_categories as pc ON pc.virtuemart_product_id=vmp.product_parent_id Joomla query: ->join('INNER', $db->quoteName('#...
Oktarin's user avatar
  • 41
2 votes

Struggle getting search icon to display on tablets

Ok, after a bit more in depth digging the following fixed the issue: @media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px) { #t3-mainnav .t3-navbar.navbar-collapse.collapse { display:block; ...
Dtorr1981's user avatar
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Struggle getting search icon to display on tablets

The search function is in the navbar which is hidden on narrower screen widths. The relevant HTML is: <div class="t3-navbar navbar-collapse collapse"> and the corresponding CSS is: .collapse ...
Neil Robertson's user avatar
2 votes

How to replace the content of Div for plugin

There are some grey details in your question, so I'll post a solution what I think will do as you desire using DOMDocument and a direct XPath query. Because your question appears to only have one ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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How to create joomla plugin with jquery code

If you are using Joomla 4 you can do it via WebAsset Manager, too: JQuery is shipped with Joomla 4. You do not need to add the library yourself; https://docs....
astridx's user avatar
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1 vote

Virtuemart class 'JDispatcher' not found error when upgrade Joomla 3 to Joomla 4

I found a solution, it works. use Joomla\Event\Dispatcher as EventDispatcher; $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); $defs = $dispatcher->triggerEvent('onVmShippingRulesRegisterCustomFunctions',array(...
ca hoang's user avatar
1 vote

No such file or directory while using Vina Dongky template

Assuming that your using a rockettheme gantry 4 template, the head renderer is already loaded (as of version joomla 3.7? several years ago in any case) now, and the included file is gone so just ...
jamesgarrett's user avatar
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How to remove tcpdf from Components in Joomla admin panel?

TCPDF can usually be removed using the normal uninstall process in extension manager: I don't think there are normally any menu options associated with TCPDF but if there were, these could be removed ...
Neil Robertson's user avatar
1 vote

How to create joomla plugin with jquery code

If you want to use a plugin then you should replace the echo/script you have with code that adds it to the header using the examples here, Or use a 3rd party ...
Irata's user avatar
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Spam Registration for Joomla 3.6.0

Joomla 3.6.0 is a highly vulnerable version. It is very likely that the site is compromised, since hacks appeared in masses a day after the security release. Hackers could find the unsafe code easily ...
Stefan Schumacher's user avatar
1 vote

Virtuemart installation first page not working?

I'm not sure if it will solve the problem but it seems like you downloaded an outdated version of VirtueMart. Please, try downloading this one directly from Joomla Extensions: https://extensions....
Thiago Guimarães's user avatar
1 vote

How to cancel a mandatory (required) field in Virtuemart form submission process?

I've figured out myself how to solve the issue. First of all, I got rid of the text box and a character counter altogether in file:components/com_virtuemart/views/askquestion/tmpl/form.php Then I ...
papakota's user avatar
1 vote

Display data based on multiple where clause?

Try the following which has some modifications to your query and should hopefully print some data for you: $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select($db->qn(array('...
Lodder's user avatar
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1 vote

When order is placed can multiple emails be set as recepients in virtuemart 3?

In VirtueMart 3.2.14 or later you can add multiple email addresses to receive the confirmation emails. Go to -> VirtueMart Configuration -> Second Tab, Orders -> Setting: Additional vendor ...
Stefan Schumacher's user avatar
1 vote

Adding pictures to virtuemart product

Add external hosted images to product: products -> product images -> "used url" & "used thumb url" For importing images from Imgur to your Virtuemart webspace you need to write an extension ...
Dennis Heiden's user avatar
1 vote

not to list products that are not in stock

In your module, as you have $productModel you can check $productModel->orderable. Now where ever your products in module are rendered make a check like - if ($productModel->orderable == false) { ...
Anant's user avatar
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not to list products that are not in stock

This is a standard Vm function - if you select Configuration > Shopfront on the right hand side there are options available for when products are out of stock...Change this to 'Do not display product'....
Dtorr1981's user avatar
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render/execute jasvscript code (which is in a php string) inside virtuemart JDispatcher eg: plgVmConfirmedOrder

You need to escape your javascript properly. $script='console.log("this is dummy script");jQuery.ajax({url:\'\',type:\'post\',success:function(){console.log("task has been done")}})'; And, you ...
jamesgarrett's user avatar
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Ask about product reCaptcha

Ok, problem solved. In file /plugins/captcha/recaptcha/recaptcha.php replace these lines (62 - 68): $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $theme = $this->params->get('theme', 'clean'); $...
Tehryn's user avatar
  • 41
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Help fixing: Deprecated: Non-static method JoomSefLogger::Log() error

It's a warning rather than an error, so it shouldn't be breaking your site and the simplest solution would be to turn off strict error reporting (error reporting should really be turned off any live ...
RichardB's user avatar
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How to retrieve data from the Joomla DB via jQuery.ajax without controller

IMHO, the clearest solution for this situation would be: adding &format=json to your query, and point it to whatever view you would like var response = jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "...
Alexandr's user avatar
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How to retrieve data from the Joomla DB via jQuery.ajax without controller

You can also create a view, in my case named "ajax". All you need to do is create a directory 'ajax' in the view directory. Inside this dir put in the view.html.php containing the display class: ...
Daniel's user avatar
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