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How to apply aliases in SELECT clause when two columns from JOINed tables have the same name?

Further explanation of the issue: As you discovered, when two columns in the SELECT clause of a query share the same column name (or alias), the latter value overwrites the former in the result set. ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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Create alias for alternate view format

You could accomplish this in your component's route.php file. The particulars would depend on how your routing in route.php is done so I can't give you an exact answer but I think you'd need to update ...
Drew G's user avatar
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How to disable Joomla routing by Article ID with any alias but use exact alias only

May not be practical for blog articles, but a fixed url can be achieved via menu items: Otherwise, if I see it correctly, you have to ...
astridx's user avatar
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how to add a slash item before alias of a page

ok this is kind of an answer to my question but not the one I was looking for because it has limitations that I do not want. If you have a menu that links to the page then clicking on that menu item ...
David's user avatar
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Omit previously imported articles by comparing existing articles aliases with generated aliases

You will need to move your query into your insertArticles() method scope so that $results is available as well as move your filtration before the save() call is executed. I will propose creating a ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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Duplicate Menu Item Alias in Joomla 3.6.5

This is a pretty easy thing to do, it might just not be very easy to find or well documented. Follow these three steps: Step 1: Create a new menu then go to the menu item(s) you would like to ...
Dennis Ferreira's user avatar
1 vote

Replicate SEF URLs Using Article Alias

Route 66 should be suitable for your use case. From its description: Patterns can include any URL friendly character along with some tokens for generating dynamic variables ( like the article's date ...
Sharky's user avatar
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How to define URL of Joomla sub-menus?

The secret is that a menu item (visible or invisible) must exist for each target URL (e.g. the article to be displayed as content of the submenu item). Then the aliases together with the menu ...
ares_games's user avatar
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How to define URL of Joomla sub-menus?

I think you should enable Search Engine Friendly URLs in Joomla first. Go to System > Global Configuration. In the SEO Settings, enable the option Use URL Rewriting AND: Dont forget Rename htaccess....
Stephen's user avatar
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how to add a slash item before alias of a page

its based on your menu structure isnt it? so to get this struct you need to add a menu entry for tourism and put there the item shopping as child. maybe there exists an alternative but i would try ...
Marco's user avatar
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Joomla custom component - router not find alias

If I'm understanding you correctly, you have 2 menuitems on your site which have links /formAlias and /listAlias, and when you form an SEF URL using Route:_() then it gives you the wrong link; is that ...
Robbie Jackson's user avatar
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How to change JoomShopping URLs?

Yes it redirects to the long address; in your case IMHO: you have to write a router to supporting SEF URLs in your component. I think, all you need is described here:
Tom Kuschel's user avatar
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How to apply aliases in SELECT clause when two columns from JOINed tables have the same name?

Got it now, i had to set the AS in the SELECT as arrays: $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select('a.*'); $query->select($db->quoteName(array(...
Marco's user avatar
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Breadcrumbs Incorrect URL Path

I managed to get this working by editing the (already existing Helix / Joomshaper) override. After spending a (very!) long time trying to figure out where the /items url parameter was coming from, I ...
jonboy's user avatar
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Adding SKU to generated aliases in J2Store

No, there is no simple way to this. At least, simple means a lot of things for everybody here. I will give you some good directions on this however. First of all, J2Store has Simple products, ...
Zollie's user avatar
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