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Remove 'There are no articles in this category.' Text

Got to; content > articles > options > category tab > No Articles Message > hide / show
TheOrdinaryGeek's user avatar
4 votes

How can I create a page that links to all articles with fake long titles?

You can achieve this with the built in functionality of Joomla. Create a Category Blog Menu Item and deactivate title under the options tab. While creating an article, write first your fake title ...
Dennis Heiden's user avatar
4 votes

Administrators cannot edit articles after Joomla update

Well then... I would try ACL Manager's famous Fixing Assets command... ACL Manager | Diagnostics tab, then (Fix Orphan Assets / Add Missing Assets / Fix Assets Issues / Fix Admin Access Conflicts) ...
Mikan's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to insert a category list view inside an article?

One option would be to use the Articles - Category module that's shipped with Joomla. Create module Set all the options you require Assign it to a custom position, e.g category-test In your article, ...
Lodder's user avatar
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3 votes

How to query the categories table and get a resultset with my stored order?

In #__categories table ordering field is named as lft. So, this column saves the ordering of the categories. If you want to look more into code side then you can see: administrator/components/...
Liz.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Administrators cannot edit articles after Joomla update

We have encountered the exact same issue, and it turned out to be indeed, a corruption in the #__categories and in the #__assets table where the entries for certain categories pointed to the wrong ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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3 votes

How to set/change default article category in Joomla 3.10?

Yes, the default category is the first category in the list. To change the default category, go to Content > Categories. Click on the first column so that the order of the categories is on ordering....
pe7er's user avatar
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2 votes

Best way to show a list of categories that shows also all subcategories?

In Joomla 3.x, you could use the Joomla's native Categories module. Your example shows 3 categories, so I would load three modules from within the article, and configure these modules to display the ...
IberoMedia's user avatar
2 votes

Get parent category tags in template override

I did not remember how to get the parent category of article item, but to get the tags for current category you can try to use this code: $categoryTags = new JHelperTags; $categoryTags->...
Dmitrijs Rekuns's user avatar
2 votes

Link to article changes depending on module

If you link to an article using the WYSIWYG editor's button then it creates a link with a structure such as the following: <a href="index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=2&...
RichardB's user avatar
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2 votes

Joomla Category Rename Problem

You could try to use the Rebuild button in category toolbar. Some time ago I had a similar issue, and that solved it. Hope it helps.
n.h.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Joomla Category Rename Problem

Have you updated the alias as well as the name of the category? It's the alias that should be generating the URL. The alias will automatically generate a value based on your name if left blank, ...
RichardB's user avatar
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2 votes

Joomla Category Rename Problem

Try clearing the cache. Go to administrator > system > clear cache , also be sure to clear your browsers cache.
omni's user avatar
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2 votes

Get ID for new Article or Category

There is a relevant discussion here, but in short it just concludes that using the jdatabase insertid method is just as rubbish as mysqli_insert_id. Joomla DB Insert, how to get last inserted id? ...
jamesgarrett's user avatar
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2 votes

How to prevent category pages from being visited

You can try using joomla redirects or HTACCESS redirects for that. Whenever x category is requested you redirect to the user to page x
user5294803's user avatar
2 votes

Administrators cannot edit articles after Joomla update

I solved the problem by using ACL Manager fix assets feature plus few manual steps. The problem was that there were duplicate categories with same name and same alias were created at the time of ...
Liz.'s user avatar
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2 votes

if article is part of category or any of it's children

Database method when you want to check against one category and all its children. Where $categoryId is your specified category. // Get child category IDs $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->...
Sharky's user avatar
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2 votes

if article is part of category or any of it's children

I faced a similar problem a while ago and not coming up with a good answer I came up with a straight forward messy answer. Behold: public static function isArticleIdInThisCategoryId($article_id,$...
jamesgarrett's user avatar
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2 votes

Has there been a better solution for showing modules only on article list page(but not article page)?

You can do this using Regular Lab's Advanced Module Manager. Install it and activate it, and select the following for the the module settings: For Assigments use Joomla! Content, include ...
Paul Kleingeld's user avatar
2 votes

Is There a Way to Display the Rating in the Category List?

You should be able to display ratings on the category view; in 3.6.5 and earlier this is done in the voting plugin's onContentBeforeDisplay event which forces the display to be at the beginning of an ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 votes

How to make Category Links noindex

You can walk through all categories, and in the Publishing tab, set the Robots option to No Index.
n.h.'s user avatar
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2 votes

How to add category name to url path for an article in Joomla 4?

With Joomla core you need to setup a menu structure that will correspond to what you want to achieve with your URLs. Menus are important in Joomla. From the example of the URLs in your question - it ...
FFrewin's user avatar
  • 19.8k
2 votes

How to get the category name by id in custom component view

Have you tried JTable? $category = JTable::getInstance('category'); $category->load($catid); echo $category->title; I'm not 100% sure that the above is totally correct. It might be '...
Kiran Cheema's user avatar
2 votes

J4. Get children categories

In CMS context you can get the component through the active application. The component may not necessarily support categories so it's a good idea to check if it implements the required interface: $...
Sharky's user avatar
  • 12k
2 votes

How to register {my namespace]\Site\Service\Category?

Silly me. I was looking at the /services/provider.php file on the administrator part. This problem was on the site part. I simply copied "Category.php" from JROOT/components/com_content/src/...
Alexandre Paulo's user avatar
1 vote

Best practices sending mail

Note that this is not exactly a Joomla question. You also have provided only a few details, and also it's not clear of what exactly you are after. And what is the subject of the best practices you ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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1 vote

Best practices sending mail

I suppose it all depends on how many recipients you will have. I'm not aware of all of them, but there are probs and cons for both. Sending an email to each individual recipient will allow you to ...
Lodder's user avatar
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1 vote

Need to display category dropdown for custom component on frontend site using joomla category extension

If I understand well, you want to display the category select in the edit form or in a list view as a filter ? If so, I guess you use a form for that. Just like the docs say about adding category to ...
mixahlos's user avatar
  • 418
1 vote

Need to display category dropdown for custom component on frontend site using joomla category extension

Here is query that gets data from category table and display using following code: there find com_thirdparty and replace with com_your-component-name $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = "SELECT, ...
bharat's user avatar
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1 vote

Has there been a better solution for showing modules only on article list page(but not article page)?

This can be resolved at the template level (which is the cleanest way of doing this) as described here. Essentially, you will need to modify your template's index.php file to include a condition to ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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