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3 votes

Joomla upgrade: 3.10.11 to 4.x

The issue turned out to be the extension RSFirewall for Joomla By RSJoomla. To solve the issue I added an 'exception'. I specified that the component named 'Joomla! Update' could bypass all aspects of ...
Huw Evans's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I fix "The PHP temporary folder is not set" warning/error?

Likely Joomla will work without issues even with the php's tmp directory not being set. However, if you get issues, or simply want to get rid of this warning in you Joomla Admin, then you have to ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I fix "The PHP temporary folder is not set" warning/error?

Step 1: Just upload the upgrade package to the server via ftp or extract in cpanel file manager. Step 2: You will see an error after installation in the administration site only. Go to Extensions, ...
Medin Mon's user avatar
2 votes

Administrator page 404 not found

I was having the same problem, and found a solution. Disable the following items: Cache public $ caching = ''; public $ cache_handler = 'file'; # (replace memcache, per file) public $ cachetime = '...
PauloBoaventura's user avatar
2 votes

Joomla 2.5.6 infinite 303 loop (SEF)

The problem is likely your HTTPS redirect. You are likely redirecting to HTTPS at the beginning of your .htaccess file, and later redirecting to HTTP. Another scenario is when your Joomla website is ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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1 vote

Application shows session_start(): Failed to read session data: on browser

This error usually means that Joomla has failed to connect to the database. Check that the database credentials are correct. Also check that the relevant options e.g. mysqli are enabled in PHP. If you ...
Neil Robertson's user avatar
1 vote

Joomla 2.5.6 infinite 303 loop (SEF)

Your problems could be related to a number of reasons: PHP version (Joomla 2.5 is not built to run on PHP 7) Try to set your new server to PHP 5.6 This is often done through your cPanel, or ask your ...
johanpw's user avatar
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1 vote

Localhost causing issues with external websites, joomla components

Changing Apache from port 80 to port 81, or anything else, should solve this issue without haveing to stop Apache.
Walt Sorensen's user avatar

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