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5 votes

CSS Change won't apply - Where could the cache be?

Do you reach directly to the updated css file through your browser and you see the old css? Or you just don't see the changes taking effect on your site? Some suggestions for both scenarios: A. Do ...
FFrewin's user avatar
  • 19.8k
4 votes

Having to clear the cache even though caching is turned off?

I did a little more research and fixed this by editing the configuration.php file. Specifically, I changed the $cache_handler from 'file' to ''. I still don't know why this works, but can confirm that ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
4 votes

How to force cache/browser data clearing in browser?

I have faced the very same problem many, many times. In the meantime I have learned that one can force browser to clear its cache only by versioning assets loading. So you need to find where your ...
Mikan's user avatar
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4 votes

How to force cache/browser data clearing in browser?

You can use mediaVersion. There are a few ways to do that. Look into those 2: Manually adding version to loaded files: $v = JFactory::getDocument()->getMediaVersion() JHtml versioning of loaded ...
Alexandr's user avatar
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4 votes

How to use cache calls in Joomla 4

The call method has been marked as removed for Joomla 4.0, as it's simply a wrapper for get(). You don't need to manually store the cache as this is done within the get() method:
Lodder's user avatar
  • 26.9k
3 votes

Website speed is awful

Ok, let's start from the beginning. Firstly, you should be running Chrome's Lighthouse test to detect any performance related issues. In Chrome, press F12, then go to the Audit tab. I ran an audit on ...
Lodder's user avatar
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3 votes

Caching items with different cache lifetime

Yes, you can cache your data for your plugin, by creating a new JCache instance and setting your custom options. Something like below would do that: // Reading global configuration params $conf = ...
FFrewin's user avatar
  • 19.8k
3 votes

Joomla cache handler only shows memcached

B9.png First of all you should check the administrator/cache and /cache folders exist. Obviously file cache can't work without those folders. If they don't exist just create them and that may solve ...
Eoin's user avatar
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3 votes

CSS Change won't apply - Where could the cache be?

Some really cheap and oversold hosts tend to cache asset files (images, JS files, CSS files) for a long time. Check in a few hours to see if the file was updated. If not, and assuming you cleared ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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3 votes

Site keeps browsing itself all the time

I do not see this as a Joomla issue (except the .htaccess file in Joomla root). From the small part of the log you provided in your question we can clearly read that the requests are made by ...
Zollie's user avatar
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3 votes

How to version assets/images on the entire CMS?

In Joomla 3 for js and css assets you can add 'version'=>'auto' to the attributes of addStyleSheet and addScript: $document->addStyleSheet("...demo.css", array('version'=>'auto')); ...
Robbie Jackson's user avatar
2 votes

Can't clear a cache of Joomla module

Perhaps your module has an override in the template used by the website. You can verify this in the template configuration page of the back-office. If that's the case, just delete the /templates/[...
user2067592's user avatar
2 votes

Joomla Template - site design not updating

The Demo Joomla sites are hosted by SiteGround and may have SiteGround dynamic cache enabled by default. You could try temporarily disabling "System - jSGCache" in Extensions -> Plugins if this ...
Neil Robertson's user avatar
2 votes

Component getList cache not loading/saving

In your component controller, check the display function: public function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false) { //... parent::display($cachable, $safeurlparams); return $...
Dennis Heiden's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a way to clear the cache in the administration?

Yes, there is a way. It is called Cache Cleaner, extension from Regular Labs (ex-NoNumber). With Cache Cleaner you can clean your cache fast and easily via a link in your Joomla! Administrator. Not ...
Mikan's user avatar
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2 votes

Persistent problem with Joomla cache

Switch to conservative caching, progressive caching should be avoided. You will run into all sorts of issues because of progressive caching, including, but not limited to, memory issues and file ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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2 votes

How to force cache/browser data clearing in browser?

Add the timestamp of the file as parameter so that the file will not be cached. $mtime = filemtime('/path/to/script/script.js'); JFactory::getDocument()->addScript('/url/of/script/script.js?t='.$...
Nagarjun's user avatar
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2 votes

How to force cache/browser data clearing in browser?

You can use JCH Optimize to combine and optimize the delivering of all the script files - CSS and Java. Each combined file gets a new name, when you clear the cache in the plugin. I always use the ...
KlintWeb's user avatar
  • 101
2 votes

How to force cache/browser data clearing in browser?

The only way to reliably bust the cache of client browsers is to change the name of the asset in question; forcing all browsers to download it.
Seth Warburton's user avatar
2 votes

Website speed is awful

Have you done already these basic checks? 1 - Enable Joomla Caching This will already significantly boost your page loading times Go to your plugins and open Page Cache plugin Usually it shall be ...
laendle's user avatar
  • 181
1 vote

Can I set the directory that Joomla cache will store data in for my module?

The cache group is what needs to be set, however you set it when constructing the cache object. Just change this: $cache = JFactory::getCache(); ... to this: $cache = JFactory::getCache('banners'); ...
Obscerno's user avatar
  • 203
1 vote

Website speed is awful

Usually this is caused by a piece of poorly designed code, a bad plugin, some mistakes or bad approaches in the code, and/or not optimized mysql queries. Sometimes it may also be the combination ...
FFrewin's user avatar
  • 19.8k
1 vote

How to purge (clear) all cache files in Joomla 2.5?

Can you not just access via ftp and clear the cache directory manually?
Nick's user avatar
  • 175
1 vote

Having to clear the cache even though caching is turned off?

Cache Cleaner from Regular Labs does the job perfect. Not using any cache is very bad for the performance - SEO and the users.
KlintWeb's user avatar
  • 101
1 vote

class 'JCache' does not have a method 'cleanCache'

Yeah, the documentation is wrong. This is how it's done. I found your question while asking the same thing myself, and I realized that I was going to have to figure it out. Not tough after reading ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 vote

Joomla 3.7.5 Disable Redis Cache

OK.. I SOLVED. I re-checked the configuration file, and in the end, I found an incorrect value in the folder path for saving the cache file (public $cache_path). So I deleted this value, I left the ...
Joso's user avatar
  • 185
1 vote

Joomla 3.7 404 Component Not Found

Just clearing the cache worked for me. It would be worth checking that the extension installed correctly if it still isn't working. Check all the directories were created, database tables and file ...
Jake's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Joomla 3.7 404 Component Not Found

I had the same problem after installing the component RSform and chronofrom, after disabling the cache RSform was working. After enabling conservative cache it keeps working.
peter's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Can't edit my module, blank page with an select input

This issue does not require to re-install Joomla. All it takes to fix this issue is make sure to clear Joomla's cache and browser cache and refresh the page. It's a caching issue usually after ...
FFrewin's user avatar
  • 19.8k
1 vote

Can't edit my module, blank page with an select input

I Fixed it by reinstalling Joomla core files. First make a back-up. Then components -> Joomla -> install ps. this is available form Joomla 3.6.x
Jeroen van Haasteren's user avatar

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