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Questions tagged [module-manager]

For question about the Module Manager, the admin component to manage the modules of the website.

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2 answers

Search Tools not expanding for Advanced Module Manager

My joomla 3.6.4 site has been recently upgraded to Php7.1.33 I am seeing one issue in Advanced Module Manager. "Search Tools" are not expanding for it. It is expanding for Article Editors ...
ronypatil's user avatar
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2 answers

Front end module editing

What would be the best way to have front-end edits open on a blank page? When I train a client to use front-end editing, they get confused when they have to scroll around to find the edit screen which ...
Karen's user avatar
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How to programmatically create and install a module during component postflight?

I want to create and install a module via component postflight. I can get postflight etc. to work, but I can't get it to create and install the module. Code I've created: // Get the database object ...
user1616338's user avatar
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1 answer

Creating a module and giving it config parameters options

on the documentation for creating a module, the basic is all there but they don't talk about giving parameters to your module. Example the color of the background or the size whatever. So I want to ...
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1 answer

Remove page assignment from many modules

I have a website (not made by me, working on restyling) that manage achitect pubblications and every architect have page with own menu with Home - Bio - Project 1 - Project 2 and so on. And i have ...
Elmir84's user avatar
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Cannot save modules with all pages menu assignment

Okay so working in Joomla. I go to save a module but I cannot and instead get kicked back to the module page with a checkin on the module I just got kicked out of. With some testing it seems this ...
user11029's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't save or save & close any modules

I'm using Joomla 3.7.2. I am not able to save any changes to my current modules or create new modules. I only make edits to my site in the administrator backend ( Save and ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 answers

Cannot find featured articles on Joomla Backend

I'm new at this, any help is appreciated! I cannot find the main page content on the backend of Joomla. I went into Edit Menu Items learned the menu type is Featured Articles, but when I search ...
Jessie's user avatar
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1 answer

Publish/Unpublish module on a schedule

I look after a website which is run by a church and every 1st sunday of the month they have a slightly different service schedule. The site uses an image slider which rotates advising of the services ...
Dtorr1981's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't edit my module, blank page with an select input

This is probably a difficult question to ask because I can't give a lot of information. When I open the edit screen in the admin-side of a module, it's being shown for a split second and then the page ...
Jeroen van Haasteren's user avatar
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1 answer

Protecting modules from deletion or editing

Does anyone know a way to protect a custom module in it entirety (position, content and from being unpublished and or deleted) I have a module that I don't want other users from altering the file in ...
Bayly's user avatar
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1 answer

Problem accessing individual modules after update to joomla 3.6.4

I just updated my joomla site on my dev machine to 3.6.4 and I'm having a problem with the module manager. I can access the module manager just fine, but when I try to edit a module I get sent to a ...
nizz0k's user avatar
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Displaying a module in specific articles

I am new to joomla and I am not a joomla developer. I need a plugin that let modules be displayed in specific articles. I mean: Specify some content IDs in module management page. Then display the ...
shekoufeh's user avatar
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Unable to use Drag and Drop Ordering Feature in Articles or Modules

I am using Chrome version 44.0 (most up-to-date version), and I am using Joomla 3.4.3. I sorted by the order using the drop down menu as well as the 2-triangles icon on the left. I see the 3 dots ...
Smiley's user avatar
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Module Manager - Search by Module ID? It is not easy to find/locate modules for editing

I'm working on a very large site with hundreds of modules. It would be convenient to have a search field where the Module ID could be entered. There are filters for every other column (position, ...
Ted C's user avatar
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2 answers

Why my template's positions become Custom Position in Module Manager?

I have created my modules position in my template and have also declared in the XML file. Now in module manager when I choose one of my module positions and save the module, it shows it then as a ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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