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Questions tagged [editor]

For questions related to the available content editors in Joomla! like TinyMCE, JCE, JCK,CKEditor...

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2 answers

J5. Access editor instances in JavaScript

In JavaScript and J4, to get an editor object from the collection of objects with all editor instances running I use: let editor = Joomla.editors.instances[myEditorName]; I can see Joomla object in ...
Peli's user avatar
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Show article title in browser tab of article editor (Joomla 4)

When editing articles in Joomla 4, the browser tab shows "Articles: Edit - [site name]". This means that all articles show the same text in the browser tab, which is not very helpful if one ...
Bruce Button's user avatar
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TinyMCE editor assuming same tag and class after added embedded iframe

I created a plugin that allows for the embedding of iframes. The iframe is wrapped with a <div> that uses Bootstrap's ratio classes to keep everything responsive to an acceptable degree. The ...
Chaosxmk's user avatar
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403 error front end editing when HTML comments are in the content

I have a site I'm troubleshooting at the moment where articles won't save via the front end and return a 403 error when you either Save or Cancel editing. After whittling down potential causes, this ...
Patrick Jackson's user avatar
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How to use emoji picker plugin from editor in Joomla in a textarea field?

I need to use the emoji picker plugin from editor to add emojis in a textarea field. Is it possible? It's for my chat component:
JonatasCF's user avatar
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Disable the save warning on TinyMCE editors

I've programmed a modal with a TinyMCE editor inside, where it's value is saved via ajax, but when leaving the page there's still the warning Changes you made may not be saved. Is there a function or ...
Chaosxmk's user avatar
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PDF file upload only works in JCE (Joomla 3.10.6)

I'm puzzled by why I can only upload PDFs from within the editor when I use JCE. The site I'm working on is using YOOtheme Pro and if I try to add a PDF as a link in a gallery element it "...
Dan's user avatar
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How to properly display editor instance in Joomla 4

I'm currently updating my component to work in Joomla 4, and I've run into an issue with editors. I previously used this: $editor = JFactory::getEditor(); $editor->display('text', $this->item-&...
Chaosxmk's user avatar
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1 answer

Use Text-Editor in UIkit Modal (Module Backend)

For a new Project i would like to have an editor instance inside a modal popup (click on an object to add / edit details). I have my Custom Field that loads an editor like so: $editor = JEditor::...
Marco's user avatar
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Front end editing, publishing and images tab have disappeared

I'm using Joomla! front end editing but the only tab available is "content". The publishing and images tabs have disappeared. They were working so I must have changed something but I can't ...
Eoin's user avatar
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How can I update a Joomla form editor box contents from Javascript?

I have a form with lots of fields including editor fields that display using jce/codemirror. I have buttons that call the submitbutton.js which builds a string from other elements in the form. I can ...
mfleeson's user avatar
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2 answers

Getting Editor to show on front (site) of website

I'm trying to display to users an editor in the front end of my website (in a logged in area) I have: // IMPORT EDITOR CLASS jimport( 'joomla.html.editor' ); // GET EDITOR SELECTED IN GLOBAL SETTINGS ...
user1616338's user avatar
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Display an editor in the front end using a module

I'm trying to display an editor using a module in the front end. I want visitors to be able to edit and create articles but from a module not a component. I've tried: jimport( 'joomla.html.editor' ); $...
user1616338's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to show tabs and spaces in Codemirror?

I can't see whether the gaps at the beginning of new lines in Codemirror (in Joomla, in my case) are spaces or tabs. Is there a way to display them?
Gillian's user avatar
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Frontend editor with save image uploading methods

I am trying to build a forum where users are allowed to upload and insert image into their posts. Surprisingly, this is not as easy as it seems. TinyMCE when used on frontend doesn't have the "...
shenkwen's user avatar
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TinyMCE editor loaded through AJAX not working

I've built a form that calls for an editor to be loaded through AJAX, but when I insert the fetched contents I get only a <textarea>. If I hit the toggle editor button, then the editor gets ...
Chaosxmk's user avatar
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add Load Modulesbutton to text editor

i have created a portfolio component that use text editor , and i want add the Load Modules button unther the text editor , normaly it load the button automatickly on joomla articles .. also is there ...
Reviewcost's user avatar
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TinyMCE doesn't show content

After updating Joomla from 3.6.0 to 3.9.15, TinyMCE doesn't work. I just don't see any content in article edit. In console I have errors in tinymce.min.js: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read ...
maja's user avatar
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JCE plugin to add custom toolbar dropdown list

I am trying to add a dropdown menu in JCE editor. The dropdown will contain a list of items fetched from database. Please find the below code: (function () { tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins....
Liz.'s user avatar
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How to fix problem with relative path Joomla for a module using editor form field?

I have created one module in Joomla and added one form field of the type editor inside the manifest-XML. <field type="editor" name="myeditor" default="" buttons="true" hide="...
astridx's user avatar
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No Documentation about onCustomEditorButton

I want to add a custom button to the TinyMCE editor. But the documentation about this feature is non-existsten as you can see here: ...
Cowboy_Patrick's user avatar
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How to stop Joomla 2.5 from disabling PHP

I need to stop Joomla from converting PHP code to a comment (or otherwise disabling it). I copied a working page with a basic [directory listing] function, and the duplicate wouldn't work. I am ...
zedmelon's user avatar
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Add a custom layout for editor-xtd popup

Another post partially answered my question, but I want to know if and how would be possible to make use of addLayoutPath and setLayout in my editor-xtd plugin. Here's my plugin so far defined('...
thednp's user avatar
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Joomla keeps wrapping content with user-visible p tags

I have observed the same behavior when installing Joomla from multiple so called Quick Start Packages embedding themes and plugins. Right now, I have installed, Basic Joomla running on a production ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Getting Error "Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\Editor\Editor::getContent"

I am upgrading one of my component to support Joomla 4 and I am getting this error in webpage Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\Editor\Editor::getContent The code that throws this error is in ...
Amit Ray's user avatar
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How can I load a minimal editor in a custom component form?

In my custom component form I have a text field that I want users to have the ability to add very simple styling to. I'm thinking bold, italic and link buttons. Is it possible to create and configure ...
Rob's user avatar
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How to bypass deny direct access to edit link

I managed to edit a file in controller to allow for the edit article link to be directly accessed if a user has a particular username. This is a core edit, but it's a local website only only my pc so ...
Eric Beaudoin's user avatar
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How to make my Editor plugin (type: editors-xtd) survive after updates?

I have a project that I am writing a component, module, and editor plugin for. I have managed to piece together a rudimentary plugin that works with TinyMCE (at least) which: Displays a custom ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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Divide an article into several divisions by adding <div> tags

I am new to Joomla and I want to develop an article in joomla with several divisions in it like we dividing a normal HTML page by adding tags. I tried to add some CSS code to the article with the ...
Shan Chathusanda Jayathilaka's user avatar
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Joomla editor field type text not posted when submitted

I'm working on a custom joomla module. It has a form with an "editor" type field. The fields are defined in the related xml file: <form> <fields name="main"> <fieldset name=...
wanderlusted's user avatar
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Joomla 3 - Text area in Editor field breaks the Admin section

I have an editor field with some HTML code in it. The HTML code consists of a form and one of the form fields is a text area. When this code is added to the editor field, the Admin section of the ...
Sergiu Tripon's user avatar
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Joomla 3 - How to set content of the editor field?

I have a editor field which I would like to populate with HTML content: <fieldset name="basic"> <field name="Code" type="editor" label="Code" description="" width="300" filter="safehtml" ...
Sergiu Tripon's user avatar
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Joomla Custom-Component Select Field with Editor [closed]

I'm trying to make a dropdown box from my table (#__projectinfo) where I can choose, for example, an article and show in an editor ready-to-use, update or save. The objective is to choose an email ...
Miguel Rodrigues's user avatar
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Shortcut to insert non breaking space in TinyMCE?

I'm using Joomla and it's integrated TinyMCE editor. I would like to use a shortcut like shift+space or ctrl+shift+space to insert a non breaking space fast and simple instead of to have to click a ...
AK_CCM's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I preview an article in Joomla editor?

How do I preview an article? In Wordpress, there is a Preview button which pops up a window with how the page looks. In the Joomla editor page, I see this, with no links to a preview. I searched and ...
Chloe's user avatar
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"/r/n" added between paragraphs in every editor field when uploading website

I currently develop my websites on a synology nas web station, but when I upload my website online, all editor fields (articles, modules and also my custom components) are modified with an added <p&...
Kitase88's user avatar
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3 answers

How to create a syntax highlighter for Joomla

What is Best syntax highlighter for Joomla? Geshi is not working fine in my site. How to integrate this style of syntax in Joomla 3 site?
user9534's user avatar
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Which Filter should be used for Editor

For Form Editor xml, should we use filter="safehtml" or filter="JComponentHelper::filterText" Pl advise - which is better filter and safe
Ruchika's user avatar
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5 answers

Youtube Iframe tag stripped on saving

For Joomla 3.6.2, Trying to embed video - but iframe tags and the code in it are stripped on saving Did following 1 Check and removed iframe from prohibitor element in Tinmce editor in plugin ...
Ruchika's user avatar
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Make CodeMirror highlight PHP syntax

CodeMirror by default only highlights mixed-html syntax (i.e HTML, CSS, and Javascript) in Joomla. Many of us use custom plugins to run PHP inside modules and articles, but CodeMirror doesn't ...
saibbyweb's user avatar
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Using CodeMirror editor in custom component

I am trying to use CodeMirror as the editor for a field inside a component I am developing. I have specified the editor as codemirror in the form.xml file but I get a javascript error on the page: ...
Maverik Minett's user avatar
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Joomla 3.6.2 won't save HTML Tags

After upgrading to Joomla 3.6.2 I cannot save a Custom HTML module or Article with any tags. Add a link via the Tiny MCE Editor, stripped out on save. Add through HTML, stripped out on Save. Try using ...
Kray's user avatar
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How to globally justify text in multiple existing articles on a joomla 3 site?

I am trying to universally apply text justification to a number of existing articles. Is there some way to do this globally, or for all existing articles or do I have to go through the existing ...
nizz0k's user avatar
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Set up Default Upload path for uploading image in Joomla Default Editor

I have 3 components related to newtoys, usedtoys and refurbishedtoys in which different article post and details been submitted The Image folder has 3 subdirectories 1 image / newtoys 2 image / ...
Ruchika's user avatar
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How to change size of editor

I am trying to change size of editor Code :- <field name="description" type="editor" class="editor" label="COM_CPEVENT_TITLE_DESCRIPTION" labelclass="cpevent-label ...
Jatin Raikwar's user avatar
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Joomla editor not showing image, read more and insert module tab

Using below code to display editor $editor =& JFactory::getEditor(); $params = array( 'smilies'=> '0' , 'style' => '1' , 'layer' => '0' , 'table' => '0' , '...
Ruchika's user avatar
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Different WYSIWYG editors for each user?

Title says it all, is it possible to have a different editor for each user within Joomla? For example, User 1 uses the TinyMCE editor while User 2 uses RokPad editor. Is this possible? I'm ...
L84's user avatar
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Media field use local or remote file

I have looked all around for the use of the media field, and I see that is to load local files only. I need to use it to load not only local but also remote images. I notice that if I put a URL to ...
user3477054's user avatar
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How do I create an Editor Add-In?

I've searched around, but I can't find how to do this. I'd like to add an extension to the wysiwig editor in Joomla. I'm writing a calendar plugin, and I'd like to have a dialog that would help the ...
George Sexton's user avatar
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Animated Gif in Joomla

I have an animated gif that I was looking at putting into a Joomla Module. It is an icon that as you hover over it the icon changes. Built in Fireworks, when I pull it up on an html page it works ...
user2217252's user avatar