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Questions tagged [custom-module]

Ok, this tag has been used for questions related to developing custom modules, but also for question about the Joomla Custom html module.

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1 answer

Password Field in Custom Module (encrypt before save)

For a Custom Module which loads some data from NextCloud i need to store the credentials of the given user (only users with an account can access the calendar on NextCloud). There is no "real&...
Marco's user avatar
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Can a module calling an API post to the database?

If I create a module, by standard, it doesn't have database fields. If I use this module to call an API it works, but what if the API is down then my module shows blank. Plus there's the downside of ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Call to a member function get() on bool

I'm facing an issue with a Call to a member function get() on bool error message. I've already enabled the debug status and I will present that in this post. Let me explain what happened: I've tried ...
user17806's user avatar
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Module Class doesn't add the class to the site module

Nothing is happening when I modify the Module Class value in a custom side module: Not sure why it matters, but Module Style is left at default value: I tried both with and without a space before ...
Destroy666's user avatar
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Add Custom Layout to core fields only to be used in module parameters

For my Joomla5 Module Blueprint Project i would like to show how we can use own layouts for core fields in our modules. The way I see it, this should be easily possible if you create a "layouts&...
Marco's user avatar
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Is there a way to autoload Forms / Fields in Custom J5 Module?

If I want to add a Subform to my Module I need to specify the "formsource" (path to xml) into my fieldsettings. But is there a way to use The Autoloader and "simply" use the Form ...
Marco's user avatar
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Custom Field Type that stores multiple field value as json gets manipulated on form load

I try to create a Custom Form Field that solves the problem where you have to much (visible) fields in a section. For example: a cards module where you have sections for the csard header, body, footer,...
Marco's user avatar
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What should I use to escape a module parameter in Joomla 5?

I have a custom module I have created. When writing the code Chat GPT suggested that I use this code. use Joomla\CMS\Utilities\Utility; ~ echo "<p><strong>" . Utility::escape($...
Eoin's user avatar
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Joomla 4 / 5 Module Layouts naming

When using the following field in my module xml: <field name="layout" type="modulelayout" label="...
Marco's user avatar
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Joomla 4 / 5 Module Layouts naming [duplicate]

When using the following field in my module xml: <field name="layout" type="modulelayout" label="...
Marco's user avatar
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Prevent multiple times loading stylesheet module

I have made a couple of modules that loads their own stylesheet. Why I do that is because then I can optimize my website furhter and only load the stylesheet data when the module is actually on the ...
Kuubs's user avatar
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How to use component's joomla.asset.json file in module?

I have a module in which I would like to add a stylesheet and a script. I am creating a lot of modules for this project, and I would like to use a centralized json file for my scripts and styles, ...
mavrosxristoforos's user avatar
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2 answers

How to display order data with simple SQL query?

I am trying to run a simple query in Joomla 4 to retrieve order data to display in a module. Testing the query with phpMyAdmin works fine, but despite generating no errors (set to Maximum) the below ...
Phil91's user avatar
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Dynamic Title Module Control

I'm using PHP to creata dynamic page title based on the menu item using Sourcer and the following PHP: <?php $active = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu()->getActive(); echo $active->...
John S's user avatar
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3 answers

Migrating custom module to Joomla 4

I have a Joomla 3.x module which calls the category name from the database and then shows this in the module position. It does this with: $db = &JFactory::getDBO(); $id = JRequest::...
RustyJoomla's user avatar
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How to know the Joomla article ID for customization

I have a demo installation of J 3.10.9 with protostar template ( The menu item "Home" -> blog category - has N articles. The article "Welcome to ...
Floyd611's user avatar
2 votes
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HTMLHelper call a custom class in a module

In the xml file for a module, I call a custom field class: <config> <fields name="params"> <fieldset name="basic" addfieldprefix="Myextension\Name\...
user3533235's user avatar
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Delete Thumbnails Button Created as Joomla Custom Form Field Throws Me Out

I am developing a Joomla 4 Content Slider Module and it creates thumbnails in the folder. I am trying to add a delete-thumbnails button. I am using a custom form field for ...
wisdom's user avatar
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2 answers

Can a module used in an article have parameters?

Im quite new to joomla. As far as I understood, modules can be used in an article like building blocks. Example: {loadmoduleid 117} Goal I would like to give article authors a simple method to add ...
Georg W.'s user avatar
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Use Text-Editor in UIkit Modal (Module Backend)

For a new Project i would like to have an editor instance inside a modal popup (click on an object to add / edit details). I have my Custom Field that loads an editor like so: $editor = JEditor::...
Marco's user avatar
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Show 'menuitem' field name in frontend of module

I have the following XML in my module params: <field name="menulink" type="menuitem" default="45" label="Select a menu item to show" description="Select ...
RustyJoomla's user avatar
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Joomla 4 - Module Backend Subform subform-row-add "row" not available

while updating one of my modules for J4 i recently noticed that the repeatable subform field no longer provides the added "row" in JS. Working JS for J!3.x: $(document).on('subform-row-add', ...
Marco's user avatar
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Undefined property: stdClass::$showtitle in custom module [closed]

I currently have a problem that is driving me crazy. My module shows the following error in the frontend in the DEV environment: Undefined property: stdClass::$showtitle .../joomla3/templates/system/...
Marco's user avatar
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3 votes
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Unable to get (site) template params from my module's backend

Someone at stackoverflow recommend I ask the question here, apologies if this is considered cross-posting... OVERVIEW I am developing a set of custom templates and a set of custom modules. The ...
Bold's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the proper way to use content.prepare?

I am trying to put a module inside another component. According to I can put <?php echo JHtml::_('content.prepare', '{...
shenkwen's user avatar
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How to add base64 string to email as an attachment in Joomla?

I am getting data in the following format through post request. "data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4//8/...
Parkar's user avatar
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Where do I define custom global variables in my Joomla project?

I'm using Joomla 3.9.18 and I've got a project including a component and a couple of modules. I've got a couple of variables that are the same throughout the whole project (like some prefixes and a ...
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How to build a podcasting site?

I am new to Joomla so I want to know if it is possible to build a podcasting site with user registration on Joomla. I want guests to be able to subscribe to an individual user's podcast (not ...
BHIT Magazine's user avatar
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Getting module parameters in AJAX call using module id

I have set up an AJAX call in my module which works fine. I want to get the module parameters when I make the ajax call. So I'm doing this $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $module = JModuleHelper::...
user1616338's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I pass _JEXEC to a php file?

I have a form in my Joomla! site. Once completed, the form should send an e-mail but only if some conditions have been met. Not having been able to use standard, commercially available mailers while ...
Firefighter's user avatar
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What directory should contain GPL scripts from external source? Best practice?

I am making a custom gallery module using Light Gallery. In most cases, I would just place all my JS files inside /assets/js directory. But I wonder if this is good practice when using an external ...
TVBZ's user avatar
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Use addScriptOptions for multiple modules on same page

I am passing some params to JS in my custom module using the addScriptOptions provided by Joomla: $document->addScriptOptions("mod_mymodule", $params)); This works fine, as long as there ...
TVBZ's user avatar
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Pass PHP variables to CSS?

I want to pass some variables to my css, without using inline styles. During some research I found different sources pointing to the same solution. For example here on the Joomla forum. Basicly they ...
TVBZ's user avatar
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Owl Carousel not working in Joomla, why?

I am making a custom module using Owl Carousel 2. For some reason it just doesn't work in Joomla. The html structure is there in frontend, but the owl carousel is not displayed. Unfortunatly, there ...
TVBZ's user avatar
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Custom module best practices. JS inside template file or not?

I am building a custom module for Joomla. Let's call the module "mod_mygallery". Inside the module I have a the files mod_mygallery.php, helper.php and mod_mygallery.xml. And off course I also have ...
TVBZ's user avatar
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1 answer

Insert custom field into modules .xml file

I have currently created a Joomla Module, and i would like to make it a bit more advanced now. I have created a Custom field, and i have tried to add it to the mod_NAMEOFMODULE.xml file. To use it ...
jokk's user avatar
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Display the component view or layout into a module

I've built my own component com_mycomp and in the component there is form in a layout and the path to this layout is: com_mycomp/site/layouts/subscription/form.php so I want to show this layout (form)...
TrolliFlame's user avatar
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Connecting module with com_ajax triggers request on menu item one level up

I've got a custom module which makes use of com_ajax to return values without refreshing the page. In my helper file I'm struggling to get the module parameters within the AJAX request and it looks ...
essbaxter's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I display the first name of the currently logged in user in content

Matthew Murphy asks the following on the Joomla Facebook Group: Anyone know of an extension for content that replaces the name with the person who's logged in? For example I have been working on a ...
Neil Robertson's user avatar
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how to get value for search in joomla module

how to get value for search in joomla module. Does anyone know how to get the value for the search field? my problem is that after i search for specific data it still shows everything In my helper....
Rhea Lorraine's user avatar
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Error coming from T3-framework while updating Joomla

I am trying to update the Joomla version and T3-Framework version of our website and there seems to be a bug somewhere. Current JOOMLA version: 3.7.4 Current T3-FRAMEWORK version: 2.4.1 I first ...
Smolikas's user avatar
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Create a new folder in 'images' when installing module

I'm working on a basic module to display an image carousel. The module itself works well, but what I want to do now is create a new folder called 'carousel' within the root 'images' folder when the ...
JJBW's user avatar
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Add Options to {loadedmoduleid ID}

I want to create a module that implements animated icons into my articles. For this I want to use the following icon-pack: Then I want to somehow write in my ...
Cowboy_Patrick's user avatar
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Call com_ajax from module backend

To create thumbnails & cache files, I have to access my already created Ajax Functions inside my helper.php file. I'm already able to call the functions within the frontend (button that is ...
Marco's user avatar
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How to prevent the modification of a customized module?

Is it possible to prevent the modification of a customized module by another administrator? If so, how can I implement such a restriction?
nicovon's user avatar
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Getting CSS style to vary with different module instances

Edit: see the Update below for the current status of the problem. I have a module that has to display a variable number of rows, based on how the user configures it in the back-end, and several ...
William's user avatar
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Make Search bar dynamically appear at top of body

One of our clients would like to have a search icon in their Main menu, which when clicked causes a search bar to appear at the top of the website's body. An example of this behaviour is at https://...
William's user avatar
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Custom module doesn't work, messing up all page, messing up editor

I am using Joomla! 3.7.5 and JA Builder. I'm trying to create a block with custom module. Once I create it, paste code and assign position, then in page editor add block with widget - position and ...
Viktoriia Shestak's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use HTMLHelper to add to the document head

In this post: How to add CSS/JS/an Image to a module backend @lodder shows me how to use HTMLHelper to add CSS and JavaScript. Previously I had followed the Joomla! documentation https://docs.joomla....
Eoin's user avatar
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How to create a custom script to force the download of a .csv file that is generated in real time?

So I've been handed a custom administrator module which simply displays database table data in an HTML table. My task is to create a clickable button on the module that will generate the csv data on ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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