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3 votes

"/r/n" added between paragraphs in every editor field when uploading website

I ran into the same issue with a couple of Joomla instances. Did you export the local database and import in on your remote server using phpMyAdmin? There's a bug in phpmyadminversion that ...
Wim de Ruijter's user avatar
3 votes

Editor stripping iframe

I had a lot of trouble with this until I realised you have to select the correct TinyMCE panel set before editing the Prohibited elements. Choose the set that is assigned to administrator and editor. ...
user219626's user avatar
3 votes

Youtube Iframe tag stripped on saving

From how to add an iframe Log into your Joomla 3 administrative dashboard In the top menu, click Extensions and then click Plug-in Manager In the left menu under Filter, click Select Type and then ...
norcal johnny's user avatar
2 votes

TinyMCE in Joomla 4: <custom-element> without automatically added <p>

The settings for TinyMCE are managed in the Plugin Editor- TinyMCE. You may be able to find an option there like 'New Line', or try reading their help documentation to find how to achieve what you ...
Irata's user avatar
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2 votes

Frontend editor with save image uploading methods

Latest releases of Easy Discuss actually offers this feature. Once you upload the image you can insert anywhere in your message. Also if you want to keep using JCE, you may just configure the ...
Carlos Cámara's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to upgrade Tinymce to v5.x in Joomla?

(Replicated response from Stack Overflow per request) Rather than replacing the files (which could be overwritten in any future update), you're probably better off writing a new plugin for Joomla ...
MartyF's user avatar
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2 votes

No Documentation about onCustomEditorButton

What you've currently link to in your question is a plugin event for a custom editor button, not for the actual creation of one. To create a custom button, check the following directory: ROOT/...
Lodder's user avatar
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2 votes

Remove textfilter partially for <link> and <meta> not working

Here is my solution: At first: remove meta and link from the source code is not part of the joomla filter. it is part of the core. So modify the core is not a solution about problem with later updates....
Lovntola's user avatar
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2 votes

Youtube Iframe tag stripped on saving

I am a big fan of the NoNumbers Sourcerer plugin. It allows you to put any type of code into articles and custom modules very easily and the free version will do what you need. There have been ...
YellowWebMonkey's user avatar
2 votes

Enable 'Title' attribute for images with TinyMCE Editor

The current version of TinyMCE (v4.4.3) now seems to have this option enabled (see below).
Neil Robertson's user avatar
1 vote

Disable the save warning on TinyMCE editors

The popup is caused by a bound onbeforeunload event that is being added via the autosave plugin. To completely disable it; var editor = window.Joomla.editors.instances['{editor}']; editor.instance....
Chaosxmk's user avatar
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TinyMCE in Joomla 4: <custom-element> without automatically added <p> TinyMCE supports defining custom elements but this is not implemented in Joomla. Though this can be added using plugins or ...
Sharky's user avatar
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1 vote

Youtube Iframe tag stripped on saving

fleaplc's user avatar
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1 vote

Insert custom text to JCE using Javascript

I think the better way is to use the Joomla.editors.instances You will be able to validate that it has the textAreaId loaded and then update with the setValue method. if (Joomla.editors.instances....
Llewellyn's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I load a minimal editor in a custom component form?

You can edit a custom set in Plugins -> TinyMCE, cleaning out most of the buttons, and assign to the target user group. But that will make the same minimal set be used all over the site if the user ...
Jonathan Magoga's user avatar
1 vote

How can I load a minimal editor in a custom component form?

You can configure a customized editor in your component (we could write a long tale about that), however what I would do is just creating a simple textarea in your Joomla Form like: <field name="...
Zollie's user avatar
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1 vote

changing default article font colour

'No color' is the correct option. You should add some custom css to your site to control the the colour of your text. Note: the 'no color' option does not mean transparent; it means no inline style ...
jamesgarrett's user avatar
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1 vote

Shortcut to insert non breaking space in TinyMCE?

You have to write a TinyMCE Plugin: And use the TinyMCE-Api to inject your shortcut:
Dennis Heiden's user avatar
1 vote

Can't insert iframe in custom created component tinyMCE field

There are several tags that are prohibited by the Joomla text filter. Go to Global Configuration Click the "Text Filters" tab. At the bottom of that page, you'll see a yellow section where it ...
Michael's user avatar
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