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How to use 3rd party extention in Joomla JA Purity III?

Please do not confuse USING, CONFIGURING and STYLING 3rd party extension! Nothing (and certainly not a template) is preventing you to USE JPro Final Countdown module, if you have installed it ...
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How to customize background image and youtube window in Purity III - Features Intro 1

To change the background you want: If you haven't already, create empty file custom.css in folder /templates/purity_iii/css/ then add to it following selector and adjust it to your liking: .row-...
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T3 Mega Menu plugin duplicate menu items

I have had the same problem and managed to fix it. Goto template managerand click the mengamenu link. When it loads your menu, click the menu that has the issue so it shows the duplicates. Then, turn ...
K2Joom's user avatar
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T3 Mega Menu plugin duplicate menu items

I recognise the silence when no one responds to your critical question! (In my experience it usually means that I'm the one at fault rather than the software but no one will point that out..). This ...
David's user avatar
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T3 Framework sticky menu issue

at the instant the sticky event occurs, the navbar is removed from the page content and affixed at page top. If the navbar is 50px high, suddenly removing it from page content will cause the ...
user3554535's user avatar

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