I have troubles with my administrator login on Joomla 1.0. Of course it's a old version but i want to try to upgrade but i can't login anymore.
I know my user is valid, because i made all the workarounds to reset the password or to insert a new user in table jos_users
This what I've tried:
Official Joomla Page - Reset Password
How to reset my Joomla administrator password?
But nothing work.
When I login www.myjoomla-instance.xyz/administrator/index.php
I receive a nearly blank page where is only written --> here
What does this mean ? I've also seen there are 3 index-Files in the administrator-Folder:
How can i solve my issue ?
, then it's quite possible you site has been hacked, but then again, I'm not surprised to be honest :/ If I rightly remember, there are supposed to be 3 index.php files