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Questions tagged [tags]

This tag is for questions regarding use of the tag system introduced in Joomla 3.1.

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Displaying Tags In Category List Layout (Joomla 3 vs Joomla 5)

I am currently in the process upgrading a Joomla! 3 site to Joomla! 5, so far everything is working fine except a Category List template override I made (in Joomla! 3) that displays article tags along ...
rudiments's user avatar
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Add Tags Feature to Custom Component

Knows someone a good guide on how to implement the TAGS feature into a Custom J4/5 Component? I have this information from Astrid's Book on how to develop J4 Components but it looks not fully correct ...
Marco's user avatar
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Tag page with blog layout

I want to create a menu item for a tag that shows the articles as in category blog layout. After, I would like to insert tags in the article info block. Is it possible in joomla 4 and 5? If yes, how ...
Deilas's user avatar
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Tagged Weblinks appearing in a Compact List linking to items on external site require two clicks to get to items. - Version 4.4.2 -

At the url below there is a tag at the top left called "Big Picture Pubs". It leads to a table showing a compact list of tagged weblinks. https://www.victoriasforestryheritage.o ... cture....
Richard's user avatar
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Category blog view - filter by tags

Joomla 5. I am using the category blog view to show all the articles in a category. I have set up tags and applied them to the articles to enable some kind of filtering on the same page/view? Ideally ...
j00m's user avatar
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Tags not saving for Joomla category custom component with the correct entry in the #__content_type for the Joomla 4 and Jooma 3

Created field type category in the custom component com_drawing but not able to save the tags in the category(refer to the image) Table entry in the table #__content_types INSERT INTO #...
user4571727's user avatar
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Adding a Tag to an Article (in PHP)

In J4, when I want to set a value to a Custom Field, I use the following code and it works fine: $model = new FieldModel(array('ignore_request' => true)); $model->setFieldValue(2, $item->id, '...
Marc Dechèvre's user avatar
3 votes
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Tag Item programmatically

I am trying to tag some items (com_content.article) programmatically, and I have an issue while trying to use the TagsHelper class' tagItem method. I am not an expert in Joomla and I am a bit lost. I ...
Etienne Delcambre's user avatar
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Joomla 4: how to add tags in the template of mod_tags_similar?

How to add tags in the template of mod_tags_similar? I add custom fields and other data by this code $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select($db->quoteName(array('...
Alines's user avatar
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Unsure if all content items need a row in the ucm_base table

I'm writing a console plug-in in Joomla 4.2.3 to add tags to content items based on field values that'll run on a cron task. I've generally got it working ok, my code adds a row to the ...
AndyGaskell's user avatar
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Adding a new view to built in component (com_tags)

What is the best way of adding a new view to an existing (built-in or 3rd party) component? In the particular case I want to add a better tag view to com_tags. The view in com_tags just lists the ...
RogerCO's user avatar
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How do I get the tag parent with Joomla 4?

I'm using Joomla 4 and need to use the new API to get tags which have a specific parent. (I am already able to do it with the legacy API using the $tag->parent_id). It seems that the new API doesn'...
Confidant's user avatar
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How to display value from a specific field in the db?

I want to display the com_tags tag title in a module while on the "Tagged Items" menu item page. My goal is for this code to display the title for the current tag. For example, when on ...
modernmagic's user avatar
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Custom Canonical plugin throws "404 - page not found" error when enabled for Tags

I use Joomla Custom Canonical plugin for creating the canonical links. It works well, except for the tags: If I switch on the canonical creation for tags and then some of the tags, will drop a 404 ...
CodeGuru's user avatar
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Filter Categories in Tagged Items Menu Item Type

I'm making a menu to retrieve all articles that have certain tags and are from a certain category using "Tagged Items" menu item type, I managed to get all articles that have certain tags, ...
Nidilap's user avatar
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Joomla 3: Display tags as a Category Blog [duplicate]

Is it possible to create a menu item type -> Tags list BUT display as a Category Blog? I want to display a list of articles of the same tag in the same way as a category blog, that is, not just a ...
Retrospec's user avatar
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Joomla Tagged Blog of articles

I managed to create a 2 column blog view of articles on a Joomla 3.9 website using the guidance in this post, along with some additional linked advice on adding a "readmore": How to show ...
Alan Sillitoe's user avatar
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Filtering Subcategories by Tag

Hoping someone can provide some insight on this one; I've been stuck on this last piece of the puzzle for a while and have yet to figure it out in Joomla 3.9. Apologies for the long explanation. I ...
Grant G's user avatar
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Is Joomla a correct choice for a social medium with rankings of products?

I'm thinking about creating a certain website and I'm not sure if Joomla is a tool I could use and would be one of the best choices. I would like to create something like , i.e. ...
musialmi's user avatar
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Display modules only in articles (not in the article list) and only in articles with a specific tag

I'm using the J2STORE component on Joomla 3.9.22. I would need to publish a module in a Blog category but only in the articles (not in the list), in this case the articles are products of j2store. ...
user14680's user avatar
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Using Tags in an Extension

So far I made the follow changes looking for add tags functionality to my extension: Register a Content type Add Observer methods to the extension table class class TagimagesTableTagimages extends ...
Carlitorweb's user avatar
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Joomla multilingual site HTML tag attributes don't change after install k2 component 2.10.3

I found a problem in the "System - K2" plugin in version 2.10.3. When the "System - K2" plugin is enabled, if the site is multilingual, the language attributes ("lang" ...
Hesam Mohseni's user avatar
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Popular Tags module, show tags only from selected categories

I have a site with many articles, each articles has own tags, they are assigned to 3 main categories, lets say: Cat. "Blog Food": 15 articles with own tags Cat. "Blog Travel": 25 ...
Mario's user avatar
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How to show tags of item in category blog view item class

i need to show items tags into class of this item in category blog view. This blog_item.php doesnt show items tags: <?php defined('_JEXEC') or die; $params = $this->item->params; JHtml::...
Josef Kašpar's user avatar
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Display articles Tags in Tag View

When you click on a tag inside an article you go to com-tags view-tag, that is created by com_tags/views/tag/tmpl/default_items. This is a blog with articles with the same tag. I want there, inside ...
geoplous's user avatar
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How can I get tags from a specific parent id in each post?

i will get tags from a specific parent id in each article my Tags list : . Id .... Name +..1......parent -..2......child1 -..3.......child2 +..4......parent2 -..5.......child1 -..6......child2 Post ...
mohammad javad jabbari's user avatar
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How to show tagged items in category blog layout and adjust the photo size

I am following the advice from How to show tagged items in category blog layout. It works, but I'm having a problem with the photos. The photos are being shown twice -- one below the other. I would ...
Dimitris Kamar's user avatar
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Where does Joomla com_tags store the ordering data?

I want to dump tags by order from the #__tags database table, but there is no order column in the structure, though there is ordering capability in the tags component. I've viewed the relevant files ...
Nadal's user avatar
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How to implement language-specific tags in select tags list from editing?

I have observed in Joomla (v3.9.16 and in older version too) a strange behavior (maybe it is right, but I don't understand it). When we have fully installed and configured a multi-language site, if ...
Jonathan Bellieri's user avatar
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Menu item "tagged list": How to disable link on image and title?

How can I disable linked titles and the link on the image in a menu item tagged list? I am running Joomla 3.9.14.
Karen-Ann's user avatar
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Tagged blog layout with readmore

I implemented the solution that enables a blog layout for tagged items, as described here: How to show tagged items in category blog layout What I miss is the Read More button. How do I implement ...
Johan Jonker's user avatar
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How can I add a module to the tags page?

I created a site with Joomla3. When I click on the tags link on a blog post, it shows a page of articles but without a module. I want to add a module to this page.
Single.Traveler's user avatar
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Tagged articles not being shown in Smart Search results

I have an issue with tagged articles not being shown in smart search results. I have a test article: Title = "This is a test article" Content = "descriptiontest" Tag = "taggedtest" I have then ...
RustyJoomla's user avatar
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Remove tag association when deleting an item in own component

I followed the MVC Tutorial from Joomla as close as possible to create my own component. I included Joomlas Tags system within my component using the Observer technique in the JTable class class ...
Yosh's user avatar
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Joomla tag links in articles url problem

Having the latest Joomla 3.9.1, when I insert tags in articles, the url when I hover over the tags under the article from a category blog page is I have ...
user712961's user avatar
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Routing of news items not working as expected

I have a business site ( with multiple "business units" (Inspiratie & Advies, Onderwijs, MKB, etc). I have one custom-made template with a template style for each unit. I do use ...
Clements Radenborg's user avatar
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How to query for users that have all tags when searching for multiple tags?

I have this custom module that shows all contacts based on some tags. I can add one or more tags in a field in the module What I want is to add the option in the module to show: all contacts that ...
Clements Radenborg's user avatar
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Similar tags module with image and introtext

For the native Joomla module "Similar Tags", we have only the article title. How to have also the introtext and the intro image? Here is the native code with my code tests : defined('_JEXEC') or die;...
user10465385's user avatar
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How to debug an empty Bootstrap error generated by non-empty Tags field in a custom component?

Flowing on from my previous question about writing my first component (now called com_picture) which is nearly an exact clone of the com_contact directory, I have hit a snag with trying to save a new "...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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Create tags by name programmatically

I'm looking to create tags programmatically. I've done it through a direct DB insert but that doesn't seem to be working correctly as I can't associated those created tags with a piece of content via ...
steel's user avatar
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Get tags for an article

How can I query the db for all the tags associated with an article? I have been able to use JTable to query to *_tags table, but that doesn't return the tags that are associated with the article ...
steel's user avatar
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Override List of all tags

I'm working on a override for com_tags List of all Tags, i want to change when clicking on the tag title the list of items (articles) will slide (accordion) instead of open in a new page. I create all ...
dg82's user avatar
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Why does one menu item have a Hidden tag?

One of my menu items has a hidden tag on it. I don't recall seeing a setting or field for that. The menu item shows up on the site as expected. Why is it there and how might I have inadvertently ...
isherwood's user avatar
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Extended tag field joomla article custom field

I have some joomla custom fields in articles. But I need 3 custom fields that should behave like the joomla "tags" so that, besides selecting from the options available, the user can also insert a new ...
user1463905's user avatar
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Tags filter field - how to add custom "placeholder"?

I have added a tags filter in my component's list with multiple enabled. <field name="tag" type="tag" label="-Select a Tag-" description="Filter by Tags" multiple="...
FFrewin's user avatar
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RSS Feed for TAGS with invalid content URLS

i used joomla on and after one year i cant solve one important problem of it. my website language is PERSIAN. its magazine website so, i need rss feed for many TAGS of ...
Vahid's user avatar
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Creating custom form field type extended from standard tag field

I'm trying to create a custom form field type for my component. Functionally it should operate the same as the standard tag form field type, except I want to store the tags in my own database table (...
jptech0313's user avatar
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Category blog - hide category (options) makes tags disappear

I have had a category blog with a lot ot items and all of them has tags. I want to show tags, but when I choose Show Category [Hide] the tags is not visible. Show Category [Show] makes the tags ...
Jessica's user avatar
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Tagged items listing layout after clicking on a tag is displayed on homepage

I have installed a Cloud Tags module to display most used tags on my site. I would expect that when clicking on any of the Tags on the module, to see a page with a list layout that will show all ...
marc's user avatar
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Tagged items blog layout

This has come up before but I don't have enough reputation to comment into the original questions. User webchun gave a great tutorial in How to show tagged items in category blog layout which works ...
John Johns's user avatar