I'm facing an issue with Joomla 3.9.16.
- I have created many categories, with sub-categories ; here is my organisation :
- I created corresponding menus and sub-menus to be able to put some modules when displaying the page :
The menus have exactly the same organization than the categories. Since some categories only have one article, some menu ("Que décrire ?", "Que prélever ?",...) are "single article" menu.
- I have one module named "Autres étapes" only displayed on Larynx submenus:
On frontend : You can go on "Larynx" category there :
Then you select "Larynx", then "Anatomie - orientation" : then you can see the module "Autres étapes" on the right. It's OK. The URL is :
But : if you go to "Que décrire ?" or "Que prélever ?", it does not show the module. The URL is now :
It seems that Anatomie-Orientation is going to a link menu (URL does not show any ID) whereas "que décrire ?" is going to the category (URL showing 17-que-decrire, 17 is the ID of the category "que décrire ?"). I'm misleading something about the organization of Joomla I think... But what ?