I have 2 very similar (but obviously not identical) environments - one test and one production. I am using only the standard Login form from a menu item. Yet, I get an Invalid Token when trying to log into the test environment. The production environment has no such issue.
I spent a lot of time on this. Google is your friend and so, too, is the Joomla Forum. I tried numerous approaches and was offered a myriad of suggestions, all to no avail. I have "worked around" the problem.
Nonetheless, with this being a pervasive issue with Joomla, I wish to start investigating the underlying issues and what can be done about it (with the aim of preventing it in future).
An explanation is in order, I feel. Would someone far more knowledgeable about this kindly (and definitively) describe what action is being taken, what data is being compared, what the sources of the data are, where they are stored, etc. so corrective action can be contemplated. Some definitive process for identifying and correcting the issue, available only to administrators but available.
I understand why the tokens are used and I more or less understand how its being done but not sufficiently to figure out how to undo the problem when it occurs (as it will likely occur again).
As a final note, something like this makes a Joomla less attractive as a CMS. These kinds of situations scare off designers and developers. We don't need calls from our clients with this problem unless there is a definitive way of preventing or dealing with it. No such process seems to be available (at least nothing I could find and I would be delighted to be wrong about this!).
My thanks go out to those who step up to help with this.