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Getting CSS style to vary with different module instances

I figured out my problems, so I thought I would answer my own question. 1) Different styling for different instances of the same module Don't forget Joomla has unique module ids! And there's an ...
William's user avatar
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3 votes

Advanced Module Manager Assignments

In URL assignments section: Set the option to Include In URL matches enter /news/?$ Enable Use Regular Expressions *The /? part is used for the case your /news page is also loading via /news/ and ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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3 votes

PHP: Check if a module is displayed on the current page

After spending some time on checking this within the article component, I just gave up and took another approach. Now I'm actually checking if the module is loaded, within the index.php file. Here ...
demi's user avatar
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2 votes

Move the Joomla! module layout override to a different tab

I am losing you a little bit in your question. Saying move the Joomla module layout override option, do you mean to display that field within another tab? If so, what's the problem you are facing ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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2 votes

Has there been a better solution for showing modules only on article list page(but not article page)?

You can do this using Regular Lab's Advanced Module Manager. Install it and activate it, and select the following for the the module settings: For Assigments use Joomla! Content, include ...
Paul Kleingeld's user avatar
2 votes

Floating module on scrolling?

You can achieve this by using the following (fetch first the 30% sidebar and define on page surround the visibility): .g-block.size-30 #g-aside { position: sticky; top: 50px; } #g-page-...
Lodder's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to add a new module position within a module?

Although using content plugin works, there is no need for it in PHP code. Instead you can use the document renderer directly: use Joomla\CMS\Factory; echo Factory::getApplication()->getDocument()-...
Sharky's user avatar
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Is it possible to override js scripts?

Sometimes the author of your component will provide a way to do such an override, so check the documentation first. If that is not possible, brute force works: I recently solved this problem for ...
Confidant's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to override js scripts?

Yes, and no... Let's start with the "no" - The Joomla core devs have created a way to inject scripts, but no (API) way to remove them. And, "Yes" , but it's complicated.... You'll need to create a ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 votes

How to prevent empty modules from being rendered?

I check if the content from any module from the given module position is empty or not. Combined it with $this->countModules(): the module position is just displayed when there are modules and the ...
RedNails's user avatar
2 votes

Joomla incorrectly displays the modules of the homepage on blog articles page

It appears that specific version of Joomla had trouble getting the lang param. Changing the URL to
Suthan Bala's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a Performance Impact of displaying modules on every page if not used?

There is no simple answer to this as exact performance would depend on a number of factors, including number of modules, menu items and installed plugins. The important thing to understand is that ...
Sharky's user avatar
  • 12k
2 votes

DPCalendar custom field inside module

As mentioned in the other answer, is the key description to understand. To quote: Basically you have all the custom fields corresponding ...
Robbie Jackson's user avatar
1 vote

Joomla 4x: How to Prevent Modules from Being Wrapped in Div Tags?

The wrapping is specified in the mod_custom tmpl file, ie in modules/mod_custom/tmpl/default.php. To remove it just create a site template override for mod_custom, and edit the override default.php ...
Robbie Jackson's user avatar
1 vote

Joomla 4 how to hide admin frontend edits

The picture looks like it's a custom module, so it might not be a bug in Joomla. Maybe the module doesn't honour the variable "jform_frontediting" in it's display part. It happend to me too when I ...
Borgitowner's user avatar
1 vote

DPCalendar custom field inside module

I have never used DPCalendar, so your mileage may vary, but I've had some luck tinkering with getting custom fields in overrides like this: $item->jcfields[n]->rawvalue; n in this example is ...
mrentropy's user avatar
1 vote

Joomla 4 website's backend not working after renaming htaccess.txt to .htaccess

The solution to the above problem is to comment out the last section of the .htaccess file (See and ...
Mohamed1308's user avatar
1 vote

Confusion between links menu types and categories

It's because of this: Since some categories only have one article, some menu ("Que décrire ?", "Que prélever ?",...) are "single article" menu. You don't have a menu item created for these ...
Sharky's user avatar
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DPCalendar custom field inside module

What you try to achieve is this. I point you to an quick snippet to point you to the right direction. Here it is. <?php defined('_JEXEC') or die; ?> <div class="latestnews"> <ul class="...
mralexandrelise's user avatar
1 vote

Advanced Module Manager Assignments

This seems to work, add URL include regex news($)
jonboy's user avatar
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Is it possible to add a new module position within a module?

It probably depends on specific circumstances. I have custom modules that contain several 'secondary' modules. I accomplish this using the Modules Anywhere extension and add {example module} to the ...
Mythic's user avatar
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1 vote

Has there been a better solution for showing modules only on article list page(but not article page)?

This can be resolved at the template level (which is the cleanest way of doing this) as described here. Essentially, you will need to modify your template's index.php file to include a condition to ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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Has there been a better solution for showing modules only on article list page(but not article page)?

Joomla 3.8.2 does not add any solution to your issue. One solution you didn't mention would be to use CSS to hide the unwanted modules on article layout pages. Pros: It's easy to implement and, ...
Drew G's user avatar
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Is it possible to load one module only after the whole page has loaded?

my module is custom image slider. in those having 4-5 image with title and description tag and it's come full width on side. due to we need to upload 1200x650 resolution big image so it's look pretty. ...
Dennis Heiden's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to load one module only after the whole page has loaded?

If the module is putting pressure on the database server, then it would be a good idea to address that. In any case, one way of doing this is to assign the module to a single menu item with an almost ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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Articles list from a category displayed in 2 columns

It's not clear what kind of answer you are seeking here and your question is getting a bit broad - I assume you are asking about directions and will try to provide some. You have a few options to ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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adding bills after payment to user profile - hikashop

What you need to do is setup a "Customer Orders" page in your menu. Navigate to one of your menus and add a new item called "Customer orders" as shown below: If you want a list of different pages the ...
Michael Yaeger's user avatar
1 vote

Can I add page content to a position from within a module that sits in another position?

Having a go...assuming this to be done without code. Using two of Regular Labs tools. Tabs: This allows you to activate tabs on the page in modules from elsewhere on the page. Your buttons should ...
BodgeIT's user avatar
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