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Access Levels Explanation Joomla 3

There are a few parts to this. The group and the viewing access level. A person is part of a group. E.g Administrator. A group is assigned a viewing access level. A group can have multiple viewing ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Hide a button depending on ACL

A simple way is to check if the user has an id - if so it means the user is logged in. If id = 0 then it's a guest user and you can show the button as below: $user = JFactory::getUser(); if($user-&...
FFrewin's user avatar
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2 votes

Implementing access control to my website

Start by going to Users->Access Levels and creating Levels 1-5 as you specified. After saving those levels continue on to Users->Groups and create groups 1-5 using the parent group "Registered". Now ...
Rafe's user avatar
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How to define Joomla permissions programmatically?

I have been meaning to provide an update for some time. I solved this problem with two pull requests to CiviCRM a few months ago. My memory is fading, and I might have some of the Joomla terminology ...
universalhandle's user avatar
2 votes

How to define Joomla permissions programmatically?

I realise that this is a bit late but … Yes, it is possible for extensions to define their own permissions, as really the "permissions" are fundamentally just strings. However, the standard method ...
Robbie Jackson's user avatar
2 votes

Restrict front-end component access

@Craig answer is very good, but JERROR will deprecate in Joomla 4.0. You can use the code below instead, when wou want to notify the UI. \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($msg, ...
Paulo Griiettner's user avatar
2 votes

Restrict unregistered users from accessing the whole joomla site

As far as question goes: There is option to disable the website in global configuration Go to permissions page of the global configuration Allow "registered" user group to "access site" when it's ...
Alexandr's user avatar
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Own Module - Integrate ACL Check (in Ajax Call)

Yes you do need to check the permissions in your Ajax-handling code. The way you would do this would be to follow the pattern in the Joomla MVC FormController, where it uses the Joomla User authorise ...
Robbie Jackson's user avatar
2 votes

Deleting user account when user has published articles

All the records in the Joomla database that have created_by or modified_by fields will have the same issue when you delete users in Joomla's User Manager. I don't think that removing users will break ...
pe7er's user avatar
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What does it mean for a user to be 'logged in' to Joomla?

The problem was that techjoomla's api package had it's own functions for ACL that were designed to work with mobile phone apps. These introduced their own logic for determining whether a user was ...
Huw Evans's user avatar
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Joomla 3 - How to find if logged in user is registered?

Resolved with the following code: I just needed to discover a way of grabbing either the group name or user group id. We do the latter and grab the id of the group we wish to manipulate. All user ...
suge1w's user avatar
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Joomla 5 Grant access to Users > Action Logs to "Administrator" group

At first I tried to added Permissions to com_actionlogs component which worked to a point, but unless you are a Super User it ultimately doesn't work which is something I think should be changed by ...
Irata's user avatar
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Multiple Access Levels to an Article

There is no ability, via core or a 3rd party extension, to provide you with the ability to have multiple view groups specified in an Article, Category or Menu. Understanding how the View level is used ...
Irata's user avatar
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What are some options to show different parts of an article to different users?

In the past I have used Articles Anywhere from Regular Labs,, to do something that sounds similar to what you are describing. The common information is placed ...
Irata's user avatar
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Is there a functional reason for the naming convention for custom actions?

As far as I can tell, it currently makes no difference in terms of code. So it is only a human readable way of indicating hierarchy. Be aware that you can't use whitespaces and hyphens in action names ...
Sharky's user avatar
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Joomla 3 - How to find if logged in user is registered?

A quick search turns up a couple of answers that give you a list of groups the user belongs to that you can then process to determine if the group is the Registered group. This answer is for J2.5 but ...
Irata's user avatar
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What does it mean for a user to be 'logged in' to Joomla?

Even though you have found a solution to your issue I thought you might still like to understand what I think is going on. 'Remember Me' doesn't keep a user logged in as you might think, it actually ...
Irata's user avatar
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What if I assign every user group to a Super User?

In fact, Setting 2 would only make sense to me if you.. ...Have no inheritance of permissions to the top ...Only one usergroup has access to a specific task Then it makes sense, if the superuser ...
Marco's user avatar
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Super User not allowed to see and read articles

User Group is for grouping users. Viewing Access level is to define what a User Group can access. So, everytime you create a new User Group you need to link that new group to an Viewing Access Level. ...
webchun's user avatar
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Change user permissions programmatically on the fly

You are overcomplicating things. Creating your own field class is the correct solution and you should remove the use of JFormFieldjdCategorySelect completely.
Sharky's user avatar
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Is there a quick way to deny all privledges for a user group?

You could create a system plugin that checks: admin / site component usergroup and when the values do not meet you're requirements, then redirect to a com_content page (maybe with a warning).
pe7er's user avatar
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Create a Joomla Access Level to manage users in a particular Group

Using the standard core functions it is not possible to to restrict the ability to manage users of a particular user group, in your example Group A. I would say that it might be possible with some ...
Irata's user avatar
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Has anyone tried setting homepage access level to registered?

I think this is caused by the way you have configured your sites. My guess is that in those sites that you are getting the too many redirects, the User Login form is loaded from the home page menu ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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Joomla 3.8.1 - Can't add menu or view Media files

This turned out to be an issue with Apache's configuration files. The solution was to edit this file: /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf and change this line: Header always set X-Frame-Options DENY to ...
Edward_178118's user avatar
1 vote

Custom User-Group: Giving access to users component administration

I can not reproduce this on a Joomla! 3.7.2. The steps below are what I did. Can you follow them and report back if this works for you? Created the Custom User-group, it is a child of the Public - ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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Custom Component with ACL not apearing in admin menu

It seems you mispelled the filename the correct name is access.xml without the capital A. Another thing you might want to look at is if you added the rules field in config.xml file. Lastly, if you ...
mralexandrelise's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot query Joomla database as a guest user

Finally I managed to resolve the issue. It was my mistake when generating the query. I used $db->quoteName('something') instead of $db->quote('something') which resulted in a wrong query (I ...
Rafichu's user avatar
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Protecting modules from deletion or editing

In recent Joomla versions (3.2 and later), modules come with a permissions tab, where you can set the following permissions per user-group: Delete Edit Edit State Front-end Editing Of course ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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K2 show items to selected users

If you want to control access to K2 articles individually, you can do that inside that article settings in the "Access Level" field. The same setting can be applied (Access Level) to K2 categories ...
Michael Yaeger's user avatar

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