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17 votes
9 answers

How to improve server response time?

What can I do, other than using a cache plugin like jotcache, to improve the server response time of my website? I have already removed all inactive articles modules, plugins and components, is there ...
web-tiki's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Difference between standard cache options

Joomla! have a 3 different way for caching: "Conservative caching" (in global configuration) "Progressive caching" (in global configuration) plugin "System - Cache" I have the following questions: ...
Fedik's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Website speed is awful

I work as an apprentice web developer who has been left in charge of the web team (all of my colleagues have left) and have been left with an impossible task. We have a 10-core Windows server, with ...
LukeBurke_PremierEPOS's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Joomla cache handler only shows memcached

My cache handler in Joomla! only shows 'memcached (experimental)', and not File etc. I was able to change the cache handler in my configuration.php but I'd still like to know why File is not shown as ...
B_s's user avatar
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File Cache option is missing [closed]

I am running a Joomla 3.3.6 site in a hosted environment (Startlogic) and I see that my File Cache Handler option is no longer available. It used to be an option at some point and now it is gone. ...
GeoMac's user avatar
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