I have exactely the same issue like in this post.
For a Joomla site online booking (Joomla + Yootheme + Vik Appointment) I need Pacific/Tahiti default timezone and I still have UTC despite all my efforts. I am stuck.
I put into Vik Appointments extension ini files : date_default_timezone_set("Pacific/Tahiti");
Joomla configuration server is set at : Pacific/Tahiti
My hosting provider set php.ini with : php_admin_value[date.timezone] = Pacific/Tahiti (I asked for : date.timezone = "Pacific/Tahiti" but he changes it, I guess he has some reasons, but it told me he can not guarantee as this parameter is only global)
My .htaccess is set with : SetEnv TZ Pacific/Tahiti
but php info still says I am in UTC, and the site make erratic booking dates and times :-( at this point I really don't see why I am still stuck!
How and where should I put the code give on the post for .htaccess? suPHP_ConfigPath /home3/username_here order allow,deny deny from all
Thank you in advance for help, much apreciated
Regards Yannick
php_value date.timezone "Pacific/Tahiti"
as per joomla.stackexchange.com/a/16278/120 ?