Please do not flag my question without reading carefully.

I am building a site database of famous people. Each person's short biography is a joomla article. I want to embed the facebook and twitter stream of each person on their articles.

I did a lot of research and found many modules but i don't need modules, i want a plugin so that I can embed fb and twitter stream of the particular famous person on their articles (biography).

Please help!!

1 Answer 1


You can simply use the

Content - Load Modules

plugin to load the module into an article.

In the module settings, specify a custom position such as myposition and insert the module into the article using the following syntax:

{loadposition myposition}
  • Thank you jdog This is a good idea but I will have to create a module for each bio article but looks like this is the only option as of now :(
    – fmstatic59
    Commented Jul 18, 2016 at 4:02

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