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4 votes

How to show list of articles filtered by category and custom field

You can filter on Custom Fields via multiple ways: filtering via JavaScript + CSS. This will load all articles, but can CSS hide (display:none) them using some JavaScript. The articles are still ...
pe7er's user avatar
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4 votes

Category Blog - Layout if the intro image is set

If you mean the intro image that's used in intro_image layout, use the same check as in the layout: <?php $images = json_decode($this->item->images); ?> <?php if (!empty($images->...
Sharky's user avatar
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4 votes

Override blog category location

All you need is just copying these files : .../components/com_content/views/category/tmpl/blog_children.php .../components/com_content/views/category/tmpl/blog_item.php .../components/com_content/...
webchun's user avatar
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3 votes

Joomla page title is not article title for some articles

If there is a menu item pointing directly to an article, then the page title can be set at the menu item level. Additionally, there are some SEO tools (such as sh404SEF) that will allow you to set the ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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3 votes

Hide full text or intro text from blog layout

The option to hide intro text means hide it in the full article. This is useful when you want to create an intro text for the category view that is different in the full view. One method to hide the ...
Pablo Arias's user avatar
2 votes

{loadposition} Only in the first blog contribution

You might need to give a more specific example of what the module area is doing for the ideal suggestion. However, a few ideas that might point you in the right direction: Plugin Create a plugin ...
RichardB's user avatar
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Tagged items blog layout

This is now a core feature in Joomla 3.8, i.e. filtering articles category blog layout with tags.
FishEagle's user avatar
2 votes

Cannot order articles in the correct order

If you have your articles arranged in sub-categories they will be ordered by category first then by date. If this is the case, in your menu item set Category order: No ordering, Article Order: Oldest ...
John Pitchers's user avatar
2 votes

Hide full text or intro text from blog layout

The show intro text is meant for the article view not the blog layout. With hide intro text you can have a special intro text for your article, that can be hidden when you go to read the full article ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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2 votes

Category blog - hide category (options) makes tags disappear

Using Protostar as Template and set in Menu "Show Category" to "Hide" and "Show Tags" to "Show" give what expected: No Category shown, Tags shown. No Matter if "Position of Article Info" is set to "...
franz.wohlkoenig's user avatar
2 votes

Joomla page title is not article title for some articles

I found the resolution for my case, it was simple, I just didn't notice. The articles that didn't display the Article title as the Page title, they didn't have the Itemid=XXX parameter on their URLs.
Suthan Bala's user avatar
2 votes

Backend article order not same as frontend order

I can't say for sure why is that happening, but I have a hunch... I bet you any money that your site went through few Joomla updates, and that at some point in time was on J! lower than 3.6.3. You ...
Mikan's user avatar
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2 votes

How to set the title and intro text as hyperlinks to the full article in blog layout?

Important Note after KlintWeb comment: You certainly want to do any such changes inside a template override. Search in this site and also in the web about Joomla Template Overrides to find ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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2 votes

Remove Subcategories title and links from bottom of Category blog

Welcome to Stack Exchange. This is controlled in the menu item. You need to: Go into your administration section of Joomla! Click on Menus Go to the menu that you are using e.g. "main menu" ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Category blog view - filter by tags

I ported the filter tags module for joomla 4&5 :
brbrbr's user avatar
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1 vote

How to show all articles in blog without tags etc

Without any details of what or how you created your own Blog Layout it is impossible to say whether you have an issue your layout. However you can check the Options tab for Articles in the ...
Irata's user avatar
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1 vote

Popular Tags module, show tags only from selected categories

I suggest you develop your own module to do what you want. If I understand you right, you're saying that the Joomla mod_tags_popular does mostly what you want, apart from restricting the tags. So ...
Robbie Jackson's user avatar
1 vote

How to show tags of item in category blog view item class

There are a variety of possibilities of why it's not doing what you want. If you haven't overridden the tag layout then I presume that your template override is not working because if it was then you ...
jamesgarrett's user avatar
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How to pass a variable from blog.php through to intro_image

There are some different ways to get the number of articles (I think that is what you mean under blog items), I'll just give you one example. First, you have to access the article list model: You ...
Zollie's user avatar
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"Use Global" not available on menu entry

The menu item options are configured using xml files in the front-end views of your components. Could you compare the configuration file for the "Category Blog" view with one from a working website? /...
pe7er's user avatar
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Routing of news items not working as expected

Joomla does not handle routing well if a single category is assigned to multiple menu items. The routing system looks for the menu item that the category is assigned to. Once it finds it, it does not ...
Daniel Morell's user avatar
1 vote

How can I duplicate a category blog on the home page but still use the original article URLs?

There are a few different methods, but the simplest (and the one that I do) would be to have the category blog at /news and use a category module and load it in an article on the home page.
jamesgarrett's user avatar
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Showing both intro text and main article text

I'm the developer of "Recent Article" (above quoted extension), We have updated our extension "Recent Article" with the option to show full article i-e. Intro text and Full Text. If you do not wish to ...
Bilal Kabeer Butt's user avatar
1 vote

Showing both intro text and main article text

I don't think there is an out-of-the-box solution. If you are comfortable doing overrides, and a small bit of coding, then I'd use the Latest Article module, and add <?php echo $item->introtext;...
RichardB's user avatar
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Category blog ordering not working

I cannot be too specific without knowing the exact database table structure and data, but it seems that your date values are being stored and processed as: dd [delimiter] mm [delimiter] yyyy (...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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How to hide subcategory titles in category blog and only display the subcategory descriptions

You'll want to override the category blog layout template. Copy all the code from: /components/com_content/views/category/tmpl/blog_children.php and paste into a new file you'll create at: /...
Drew G's user avatar
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How to make my articles have other modules than Category Blog

One simple way to go is to use Regular Labs Advanced Module Manager. Advanced Module Manager is an extension that changes the way your Module manager works. With Joomla you can normally ...
FFrewin's user avatar
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1 vote

How to show items only using AJAX "Load More" button instead of pagination in category blog

In your template folder (/joomla_root/templates/< template_name >/) create a file with a unique name, such as articlelist.php. In that file add this code <jdoc:include type="component" /> ...
Drew G's user avatar
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Hide tags in category blog layout

In short this is the hierarchy. Menu item layout can be overridden by Article options and the the Article Page itself has the final say so if you will.
norcal johnny's user avatar
1 vote

Show image from the article in blog layout

You can do the following in the overridden article layout file (e.g. templates/[your-template]/html/com_content/article/default.php): Search for images using a regular expression Use the first image ...
itoctopus's user avatar
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