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Questions tagged [workflow]

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2 votes
2 answers

Joomla - Page Builder - With Publish Workflow

We have recently built a site on Joomla and have used the SP Page Builder. But unfortunately, the SP Page Builder does not have the Workflow / User Access mechanism where one set of users create the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Using Workflow on just one category?

I'd like to allow users to submit content to a specific category, and notify administrators when this happens. It seems that J4 Workflows is designed to help this, but turn it then adds workflows to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to make it so that authors can edit their own published articles creating a new unpublished version of them?

Related: Is it possible to remove the "new article" button from all sections in a Joomla website? Worflows in Joomla 4 are great, but there is a feature I'm not sure they have: letting ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to remove the "new article" button from all sections in a Joomla website?

A mate and I are doing an internship at university, and the project we are working on is a small Joomla 4.1 website. Our supervisors asked us to override the mechanics of content insertion so that an ...
27 votes
10 answers

What tools can I use to help assist me with Joomla development?

I'm new to Joomla development and I would like to know what tools and/or software can assist me in in developing both the backend and frontend of a Joomla site. This would also include any future ...
1 vote
1 answer

Workflows in Joomla 4

As we all know Joomla 4 is on the horizon and the improvement to workflows are definitely an interesting addition. From what I've seen, the workflow works great for new content, but what about content ...
4 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to have registered users auto-publish their articles

I'm extremely new to Joomla and even simply hosting a website, so answers should be pretty step-by-step if possible. I am running a hobby group site that will have multiple users submitting articles ...
5 votes
1 answer

Unpublish, Trash or Delete buttons in the Frontend

I want to create some of these buttons in the frontend List view. I added checkboxes to the table and used the Using_the_JToolBar_class_in_the_frontend tutorial to put Save and Cancel buttons. Also ...
0 votes
1 answer

Change article edition workflow

I have to make some changes on the article edition workflow to add some features in the middle of the current edition process. I mean, the articles when published must be saved in a different status, ...
7 votes
2 answers

Work under version control (git)

I have to work with some other people to develop a web site using Joomla. We will create our personal template and we will install and maybe modify some extensions or plugin. We will work in different ...
13 votes
2 answers

How do you update a website once it has gone live?

How do you push updates live to templates and modules once you have gone live with the site? We tend to do a few different solutions as we develop on one site and then akeeba backup to push the site ...
8 votes
1 answer

Managing sites with Git

I'm starting to use Git to manage Joomla site builds, and I'm looking for some best practice guidance. As it stands: Use WHM to provision a new account. I've written a post-install hook to ...