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Questions tagged [workflow]

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27 votes
10 answers

What tools can I use to help assist me with Joomla development?

I'm new to Joomla development and I would like to know what tools and/or software can assist me in in developing both the backend and frontend of a Joomla site. This would also include any future ...
Lodder's user avatar
  • 26.9k
13 votes
2 answers

How do you update a website once it has gone live?

How do you push updates live to templates and modules once you have gone live with the site? We tend to do a few different solutions as we develop on one site and then akeeba backup to push the site ...
tristanbailey's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to make it so that authors can edit their own published articles creating a new unpublished version of them?

Related: Is it possible to remove the "new article" button from all sections in a Joomla website? Worflows in Joomla 4 are great, but there is a feature I'm not sure they have: letting ...
Vincenzo Oliva's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to remove the "new article" button from all sections in a Joomla website?

A mate and I are doing an internship at university, and the project we are working on is a small Joomla 4.1 website. Our supervisors asked us to override the mechanics of content insertion so that an ...
Vincenzo Oliva's user avatar