I have a google sheet (no, the data does not need to permanently reside there.) Which contains data for T-Shirts of my design
Name Source Thumbnail Commision Description SSid
Puzzle Piece \Puzzle\PuzzlePiece.ai PuzzlePiece.png $1.00 Just another piece of the puzzle 10369732
Puzzle Piece \Puzzle\PuzzlePiece.ai PuzzlePiece1d.png $1.00 Just another piece of the puzzle 10369731
I have over 50 entries like this so far and i plan on making articles based on everyone of them. I found a the extension NoNumber Content Templater v4.8.2 which, while useful, doesnt fit the need im looking for. How can I refer to a table/database of data with creating articles? Create an extra table in mySql?
Rough example This is [SHIRT-NAME] which you can see picture from [/image/PICTURE-THUMBNAIL]. [DESCIPTION].Click [HYPERLINK-BASED-ON-SSID]
All of the variables in brackets would refer to one of the id's in the database. This content is not meant to be dynamic ( perk but not the focus of my question. )
Creating variables inside article text but does not fit my needs.