I have a custom component, from which I am taking my data & creating a new article with extra field values(from code). Below, is my code & attempt.

JLoader::import('components.com_content.models.article', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);

    $app = JFactory::getApplication();
    // Get the model
    $model = $this->getModel("lists");
    $newsLists = $model->getNewsList();
    foreach ($newsLists as $news)
                    $articleModel = "";
                    $articleModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Article', 'ContentModel');

                    $data = array();
                    $data['title'] = trim($news->title);
                    $data['state'] = trim($news->state);
                    $data['language'] = '*';
                    $data['catid'] = '221';
                    $data['com_fields']['title'] = trim($news->title);
                    $data['com_fields']['source'] = trim($news->publication);
                    $data['com_fields']['page-no'] = trim($news->pageno);
                    $data['com_fields']['link'] = trim($news->externalurl);
                    $data['com_fields']['attributes'] = trim($news->attributes);
                    $data['com_fields']['downloads'] = trim($news->newsfile);
                    $data['com_fields']['date-free-text'] = trim($news->published_date);
                    $data['com_fields']['state'] = trim($news->state);



Actually, it creates the article correctly in the database(in Joomla 'content' table) but it only saves the single extra field value of 'title' ($data['com_fields']['title']) in Joomla fields_value table.

Code when I print $data;

    [title] => unveils
    [state] => 2
    [language] => *
    [catid] => 221
    [com_fields] => Array
            [title] => unveils
            [source] => 
            [page-no] => 
            [link] => images/news/unveils.pdf
            [attributes] => 
            [downloads] => 
            [date-free-text] => 
            [state] => 2

    [title] => Workshop
    [state] => 1
    [language] => *
    [catid] => 221
    [com_fields] => Array
            [title] => Workshop
            [source] => 
            [page-no] => 
            [link] => /images/news/workshops.pdf
            [attributes] => 
            [downloads] => 
            [date-free-text] => 20.04.2015
            [state] => 1


What's the wrong in foreach loop? Note : all the extra fields are already created from "Content >> Fields"

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