I'm baffling myself with this one.
Updated: I had to make some CSS menu changes and now the previous solution no longer works - Any suggestions?
I have a Joomla main menu set up and when you hover over a menu item the background-color is #f2dabd and the color is #8d0000, however when i hover over a parent menu item, the dropdown appears as expected, but if i then hover over a child item the parent menu title font colour changes (the parent item is neither :active or :hover but the hover background color still applies. I cannot seem to figure out how to prevent it from doing this.
Its a little hard to explain so I will provide a link to the development site in question:
Ok so if you hover over the menu item Services then without clicking, hover over one of the child items such as Restoration, you will see that the 'Services' text changes colour to match the hover background color. I just can't seem to figure out how to target it with css?
Any advise would be most appreciated. Regards D