I want to change the header in the default admin template Isis. This is the output now.
<header class="header">
<div class="container-logo">
<img src="administrator/templates/isis/images/logo.png" class="logo" alt="sitename">
<div class="container-title">
<h1 class="page-title">
<span class="icon-eye thememanager"></span>
Templatebeheer: Stijlen</h1>
I want to have it without:
<span class="icon-eye thememanager"></span>
I am not looking for a css method with display:none;.
Somewhere it is coded that an icon is added. I have already looked in the module mod_title in here it shows only php echo $title. So there I could not delete the icons...
I have come close to the effect by changing administrator/includes/toolbar.php but I can't change it in there because it will be lost by an update. I believe. So can I create an override for this. How???
Or is there a better way! Without the CSS display:none because I need to use the span for something else.