I would like to create some html overrides for a given Admin Template (isis). So I could throw in all the code into the template's directory, but I guess an update will wipe out all my changes, so this might not be the best Idea. Right now I have three Ideas and I would like to ask which one to favour, or if there is any better out there:
The best case scenario would be to include those overrides within my component and register that location in Joomla!. Imagine the following path:
all it contents should be treated as
But if it is possible to register that Path in the system, so that files get picked up, how can I do that?
Another way could be to copy the entire Admin Template, activate that and hack all changes in there. But than, this copied template wont get the updates of its »parent/original«, since this not a »real child theme«. It would like to keep the updates alive, so how could that be done?
Yet another way could be to create a symlink from pointing from the template to the component like so:
$ pwd
$ /administrator/templates/<sometmpl>/html/
$ ls -la
$ com_content --> ../../../com_custom/overrides/com_content
This way I would have to care to create this link whenever an update occurs, what could be done within a plugin, listening to the »onExtensionAfterUpdate« Event. But It requires a lot code and I don't know how to test that, since Updates occur to rarely.
Extending the core content type is something that really would like to do, since a long time and I am searching for a good way to do that. So if anybody has ever done that before, I would appreciate each help very much!