I'm using Virtuemart 3 and Joomla 3, after upgrarding to VM 4 and Joomla 4, it say error Class 'JDispatcher' not found from JROOT/plugins/vmshipment/rules_shipping_advanced/rules_shipping_framework_joomla.php:39

This is the error causing code part:

$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$defs = $dispatcher->trigger('onVmShippingRulesRegisterCustomFunctions',array());

I have done many search on google but no result, can you help?

1 Answer 1


I found a solution, it works.

use Joomla\Event\Dispatcher as EventDispatcher;
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
$defs = $dispatcher->triggerEvent('onVmShippingRulesRegisterCustomFunctions',array());

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