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mralexandrelise's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

How to programmatically set the value of a custom field of type checkbox?

3 votes

How to extend the article search to take into account the values of custom fields?

3 votes

How can I create my own custom field?

2 votes

Multilingual site where several countries share the same language

2 votes

Integrate external news content API into com_content articles

2 votes

Is there a way to use an SVG image in Cassiopeia

2 votes

Use Joomla-Mailer to send mails in HTML and plaintext

2 votes

How does Joomla! event system (plugins) avoid namespace conflicts?

2 votes

Transfer Custom Code to Module / Plugin / Component

2 votes

was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff)

1 vote

Only show joomla custom fields on certain category levels

1 vote

DPCalendar custom field inside module

1 vote

J4 - Return to Component Dashboard from Options

1 vote

Render an admin view to a site template in Joomla!

1 vote

Custom Component with ACL not apearing in admin menu

1 vote

Are custom fields updatable using joomla 4 api?

1 vote

What is the correct PHP to render Subform repeatable custom fields on the front end?

1 vote

What would keep custom fields from rendering in the frontend on Joomla 4

0 votes

API - get menu items from specific menu

0 votes

CLI Joomla installation

0 votes

Prefill new user registration fields in the backend by URL