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Questions tagged [validation]

Validation is used to check data to make sure it fits whatever required specifications are set for it. Typically Validation is used in checking input data, and in verifying data before storage.

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1 answer

How to set Form Field Client-Side Validation Error Message?

For the Frontend i would like to have a simple Form Validation (client side first) including a dedicated error message. The Field validation has been written and its working: document.addEventListener(...
Marco's user avatar
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Custom Rule (checked) for ClientSide Validation

I have a Form that includes two radio inputs both based on this field structure: <field name="privacy_policy" type="radio" layout=""...
Marco's user avatar
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2 answers

How to validate Joomla translation ini-files?

Is there a specific format to Joomla's language ini-files? We would like to validate them, but it's not obvious which rules apply. Should parse_ini_file work? One example line that's valid? Or is it? ...
Olle Härstedt's user avatar
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Joomla 4.3.X Validate a username on registration to NOT contain an @ symbol (notEmail)

I have a situation whereby I want users to register on Joomla (using the standard J! registration form) using a 6-digit identification number that they have been given. I have modified the Joomla ...
OnTarget's user avatar
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J4. Custom frontend server side form validation

Trying to create a custom validation rule in frontend, always get the same error: 0 Joomla\CMS\Form\Field\TextField::validate() rule Espaciocheck missing. Please, will the path to the file be wrong? ...
Peli's user avatar
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How to validate a user name in Joomla registration forms so that it is not used for spamming?

The problem I have had a problem with a spammer registering fake users to send spam around. The method used is to set the user name to something like "Yesterday I published this awesome video ...
Francesco Potortì's user avatar
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Conditional client side validation

I have a field on my form that is required if another field contains a certain value but otherwise is optional. I have set up a custom validator as follows: document.formvalidator.setHandler('...
Dave Torr's user avatar
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How do I get Edit Profile to not save with invalid date input on Joomla Community Builder

On my volunteering website, users can edit their profile and enter a date in the future when they are available to volunteer. If they are already signed up for a volunteer opportunity, they shouldn't ...
Kristi Perkins's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot extend my custom component's validation rules -- does not validate

I'm following along with this tutorial My form <form> <fieldset name="form_name" addrulepath="components/com_mycomponent/models/...
Thiago Guimarães's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use form rules programatically to validate data outside a form

I've created a component where an admin can bulk upload users and I want to validate the email addresses before creating those users. The XML definition of the form for creating or modifying a user (...
Dom's user avatar
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2 answers

Client side validation - custom event handler not called when user enters the field and leaves it being empty

I'm working on a JForm with some fields with custom event handlers to do client side form validation as it is described in this document The document says that "Joomla adds a blur handler to validate ...
wanderlusted's user avatar
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getimagesize($file['tmp_name'])=== false is not working in php 5.6

I am using the below code to validate an image. getimagesize($file['tmp_name'])=== false It's working fine in php 5.2 (wamp server local), but not working in live website(php 5.6). ...
mohan's user avatar
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BreezingForms unique user email validation problem

I've created a form using BreezingForms(free). Before submitting the form I'm checking if the entered email address is unique using the "Before submit" field in my form settings. The code I am using ...
VTodorov's user avatar
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Joomla 2.5 email validation issue

There seems to be a major issue on several v2.5.7 sites I've been asked to help with, where emails are not being validated when entered into the built-in com_contact component on a standard contact-us ...
J-Extra's user avatar
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how to Validate captcha before submit a form in joomla

I have installed 5 captcha plugins in my joomla site and i set any one captcha out of 5 in com_users configuration in backend of joomla. So how can I want to validate that captcha from client browser ...
kailash Chandra's user avatar
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Form-Validation in Frontend

I'm trying to get my component ready for frontend-action. There are some forms that are filled by the user - but of course I have some fields that need specific values (int, float, ...) and some ...
MyFault's user avatar
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3 answers

Editor stripping Script

I have a form which has been created in a CRM and then the code copied in to the website and updated to make it look and read better. However, when I copy the code in, the "script" at the bottom of ...
Sam Potts's user avatar
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1 answer

Using JHtml::_('behavior.formvalidator') in JForm gives empty error messages

I'm using Joomla! 3.4 core form validation and it seems to fire perfectly, but the error messages added to the alert are blank, hence I cannot see what the error is. What am I doing wrong? Here is ...
Anriëtte Myburgh's user avatar
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Joomla 3 accepts invalid urls

I have a Joomla 3 site. It works fine, but I found out that it can display contents for invalid links for example i tried something like this: http://mysite/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16 ...
user5844's user avatar
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How to use a regex to validate a FormField?

Is there a way to simply validate a form field with a regular expression? I thought about something like this: <field name="firstname" type="text" label="Firstname" validate="regex" regex="...
Harald Leithner's user avatar