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Questions tagged [batch]

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How do I insert multiple records?

First, I took user_id, name, and email for the #__users table and joined with custom #__field_values lot, address, and phone. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->...
andrew913's user avatar
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writing my own code to import users

I need to batch create lots of users and I have their emails and some profile details like phone number and address. This data is in a google sheet. I just need to generate usernames and set initial ...
shenkwen's user avatar
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Extension to edit multiple articles in a same pattern?

I am trying to fix an old joomla site so it can be responsive. In the articles, every image comes with style="width:1150px;height:650px", I need to replace all these occurrences with style="width:100%...
shenkwen's user avatar
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I would like to add more custom batch widget, so how to set custom html helpers to the JHtml class

I know I will have to update the model $batch_commands array and also add the new methods/commands I want to run beyond the normal. But this questions main focus is to add more fields/widgets the ...
Llewellyn's user avatar
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Change "Show page heading" param for every menu item

I've got a site with few hundreds menu items. I need to change one parameter in all of them. Right now in most of the pages "Show page heading" paremeter is set to "No". I need it to be set to "Use ...
zorza's user avatar
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Module batch copy not working

I often use the batch tool to copy and set the correct language for my categories, articles and menu items when building a multi-lingual website. But when I try the same thing with modules, the ...
Bogowoe's user avatar
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