I use the field type "repeatable" in a Joomla module I've created but I don't know how to get the values out of it and use it in the module's default.php to create the output.

My repeatable field:

                    <field name="mitarbeiter"
                    description="Mitarbeiter eingeben"
                    label="Mitarbeiter eingeben"
                    <fields name="params">
                        <fieldset hidden="true" name="mitarbeiter_template_modal" repeat="true">

                        <field name="mitarbeitername"
                            type="text" />

                        <field name="mitarbeiterfunktion"
                            type="text" />

                        <field name="mitarbeitertelefonnummer"
                            type="text" />

                        <field name="mitarbeiteremail"
                            type="text" />

                        <field name="mitarbeiterbild"
                            type="text" />


Normally I get the value of a field in the mod_modulename.php:

$fieldvalue = $parameters->get('fieldname');

2 Answers 2


I was hoping someone would eventually ask this question on here. I wrote a function for my first usage of repeatable form fields and use it for every extension I make now.

Here is how you do it:

Firstly, get the json object for the parameter like so:

$mitarbeiter = $params->get('mitarbeiter');

Then decode the json object:

$json = json_decode($mitarbeiter, true);

Then can then group each set of fields by key, like so:

public function group_by_key($array) 
    $result = array();

    foreach ($array as $sub) 
        foreach ($sub as $k => $v) 
            $result[$k][] = $v;
    return $result;

$filtered_array = group_by_key($json);

And finally, you'll need to iterate though it using a foreach loop, like so:

foreach ($filtered_array as $index=>$value) 
    echo $value[0] . '<br>';   // mitarbeitername
    echo $value[1] . '<br>';   // mitarbeiterfunktion
    echo $value[2] . '<br>';   // mitarbeitertelefonnummer
    echo $value[3] . '<br>';   // mitarbeiteremail
    echo $value[4] . '<br>';   // mitarbeiterbild

Hope this helps

  • Hi! Thanks for your help! Youre solution looks pretty good. Unfortunately im not a php programmer so ive got a problem. I put the code in my mod_module.php and the foeach loop in the tmlp/default.php. Now the page is not working anymore, its showing a problem on line 29 which is the line the public function starts. Any idea what im doing wrong? Thx for your help.
    – public9nf
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 8:29
  • Could you specify the "problem" please? If any errors are being shown, please let me know
    – Lodder
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 8:41
  • Error message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'public' (T_PUBLIC) I put the code inside my mod_modulname.php
    – public9nf
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 10:15
  • Try changing public function to just function
    – Lodder
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 10:16
  • @Peesen87 - You're more than welcome. Could you please accept the answer to mark it as solved by clicking the "tick" icon.
    – Lodder
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 10:19

The above answer from @Lodder is correct, but you will also need to wrap the function with

if (!function_exists('yourFunctionname')) {
    // ... proceed to declare your function

If you do not, you can only render this function once per page.

So altogether it should look like this:

$mitarbeiter = $params->get('mitarbeiter');
$json = json_decode($mitarbeiter, true);

if (!function_exists('group_by_key')) {
  public function group_by_key($array) 
      $result = array();

      foreach ($array as $sub) 
          foreach ($sub as $k => $v) 
              $result[$k][] = $v;
      return $result;
$filtered_array = group_by_key($json);

foreach ($filtered_array as $index=>$value) 
    echo $value[0] . '<br>';   // mitarbeitername
    echo $value[1] . '<br>';   // mitarbeiterfunktion
    echo $value[2] . '<br>';   // mitarbeitertelefonnummer
    echo $value[3] . '<br>';   // mitarbeiteremail
    echo $value[4] . '<br>';   // mitarbeiterbild
  • Isn't it that part = if (!function_exists('yourFunctionname')) { public function group_by_key($array) should be = if (!function_exists('group_by_key')) { public function group_by_key($array)
    – webchun
    Commented Jul 31, 2015 at 3:22
  • Yes, good catch , I will edit Commented Jul 31, 2015 at 3:25

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