if you take a look at my website: NerdyFuture. You can probably see the couple of pictures at the top of the website. I made this in a custom HTML module, now what I want to achieve is to input data from another module in the custom HTML module I made. I want input the data from the module: Mini Frontpage. So the data that I need from Mini Frontpage is the title,thumbnail,description and link from one article. How can I achieve this?
2 Answers
To do this, you can simply load module 1 into module 2.
In your Custom HTML module, add the following into the textarea:
{loadposition XXX}
Where XXX
is the position of your first module.
To load an article into your Custom HTML module, you can also use NoNumber's Articles Anywhere plugin.
Another way to load a module from your custom HTML extension would be to include the following code:
echo JHtml::_('content.prepare', '{loadposition someposition}');
Here you can read in more detail: https://www.joomlashack.com/blog/joomla-how-to/module-position-component/