while updating one of my modules for J4 i recently noticed that the repeatable subform field no longer provides the added "row" in JS. Working JS for J!3.x:

$(document).on('subform-row-add', function(event, row){ console.log(row); }

logs in J!3 something like:

<div class="subform-repeatable-group…m-repeatable-group-sr-0" data-base-name="watched" data-group="watched1" data-new="true"> ...

in J!4 it returns undefined.

I did not found any information in the web - did anyone noticed this aswell?


1 Answer 1


The way the event is invoked is slightly different for Joomla 4. You can use the following:

$(document).on('subform-row-add', function(event) {

Or native ES6+ Javascript (preferred):

document.addEventListener('subform-row-add', ({ detail: { row } }) => {

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