Okay so this has gotten me stuck for more than i'd like to admit. I made a joomla ovverride for blogs just to test it out. I see the code below:
<?php if (!empty($this->lead_items)) : ?>
<div class="items-leading clearfix test">
<?php foreach ($this->lead_items as &$item) : ?>
<div class="leading-<?php echo $leadingcount; ?><?php echo $item->state == 0 ? ' system-unpublished' : null; ?>"
itemprop="blogPost" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/BlogPosting">
$this->item = & $item;
echo $this->loadTemplate('item');
<?php $leadingcount++; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
</div><!-- end items-leading -->
<?php endif; ?>
For some odd reason, the code looks like this:
Notice how after leading-6 the remaining articles are displaying OUTSIDE of the 'blog' and 'items-leading' divs. Now I thought I was going crazy cause looking at the over ride it doesn't seem like it should do that. Basically I'm trying to understand why the code looks like every leading article SHOULD be inside the 'items-leading' class but most of them are not (notice how < end items-leading -> appears on the code and on the output HTML, and notice where the 'items-leading' div is on the joomla over ride).
Any help would be appreciated.