My question is what are some alternative methods of determining or tracing the source of an error in Joomla when the source of error isn't shown by normal debugging means? By normal debug methods, I mean the ones I have tried.
I am trying to determine the source of the error 0 Class 'ContentHelperRoute' not found on some components (mostly Search component and DJ classfieds in Joomla 3.6.5). I've found that the problem goes away after a page refresh but it appears again very often.
I tried:
- enabling debug switch in configuration
- set PHP error level to max
search error in server log but the resulting debug information doesn't allow me to pinpoint what is causing the error.
I've looked at the pointed solution: PHP Fatal error: Class 'ContentHelperRoute' not found but it is not the same because in my case as I have no info about the source of the error. I understand that there is an error but I cannot find where it occurs.
Are there any other ways to trace errors under Joomla? I appreciate any suggestions.