I have a joomla 2.5 site, and I want to upgrade it to joomla 3.x, but before I want to import my joola 2.5 site on my local server (wamp) to make some modifications (change the template and other stuff...) Where I am now :
- I saved my site's files with Filezilla, and put the file in my www file in wamp.
- I saved my database from the server.
- I have downloaded the latest version of joomla, and put the file in the www file too.
- I created a new database with phpMyAdmin, and import my database previously saved into it.
- I have installed this joomla on my wamp localhost and specify the database I created previously.
Now, of course, the joomla site i got is empty, and i want to retrive my site with the files I saved with filezilla and here I don't know how to do that. Or, and it's quite possible, I really don't understand how import my joomla site in my local server and all the things above are wrong...
Thank you