I have created my business logic in model, but in view part I'm not so expert of how to use JHTML.
Can anyone tell me how can I add a print button in joomla list view?
What have you tried so far? Have you looked at com_content to see how it's done?– LodderCommented Feb 23, 2015 at 9:06
1 Answer
I don't know if you talk about the frontend or backend... if you are in the Joomla! backend you can create a custom toolbar button in your view.html.php
$bar = & JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar');
$bar->appendButton( 'Print', 'print32', 'Print', 'index.php?option=com_yourcomponent&view=yourviewname&tmpl=component&print=1' );
The second argument is an image if you want a custom image you need to add extra styles in a css file:
.icon-32-print32 {
background-image: url(../images/print32.png);
In your view check for the print variable in the url and put a button if present, for example:
<?php if(JRequest::getVar('print', 0, 'get') == 1) : ?><a href="#" onclick="window.print();" >Click for Printing</a><?php endif; ?>
The toolbar button opens your list without the joomla template but check if your admin template has a component.php file in the template root.
If you are in the frontend check this explanation in the Joomla! Docs https://docs.joomla.org/Adding_print_pop-up_functionality_to_a_component