My home page has the featured article view in 3 columns. There are parent categories like news, teledrama and programmes. I want to categorise these featured articles. News articles should be under title news. Teledrama articles should be under title Teledrama, likewise I want to categorise my front page. Could you please tell me how to do it???

this is what my front page(featured articles view) look like

this is what i really want(categorise featured articles page)

UPDATE Thank you all for your answers.

But this is not the thing i want to know, featured article layout is already sorted as category order. But I want is to add parent category title over each and every category.

As @Anibal said, I also think the place is this (image attached). is this the file to edit

I also fond a useful article: http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?p=2541194

In that article it says that I can get parent category title name using $this->item->parent_title.

Please tell me how to do it

3 Answers 3


If your template does not recognize any of usual options to enable the parent category, you can create a new layout override to include it specifically: http://docs.joomla.org/Understanding_Output_Overrides#Layouts

  • /templates
  • _ /beez
  • ____ /html
  • ________ /com_content (this directory matches the component directory name)
  • _____________ /articles (this directory matches the view directory name)
  • _____________ default.php (this file matches the layout file name)

It should be a matter of assigning each featured article to a specific category, then displaying these chosen categories on your page. Change the article global config options;

You can find The global options for the configuration of a blog page on:

  • Content->Article Manger->Options (from the topmenu);
  • The tabs for all the global options is on the right side of the window:

Acrticles, Editing Layout, Category, Categories, Blog / Featured Layouts, List Layouts, Shared Options, Integration and Permissions. Select Blog / Featured Layouts.

On this page you can set the global options for the Blog / Featured layout.

  • Leading Articles: The number of full width articles.
  • Intro Articles: The number of articles you want to show after the leading articles.
  • Columns: The number of columns you want for the intro articles.
  • Links: The number of articles you want to link to if there are more articles in the category.

The tutorial here may help also www.ostraining.com/blog/joomla/blog-multiple-categories Blog multiple categories

I think this is what you are looking to day anyway, apologies if I misunderstood!


Thank you all for your answers.

But this is not the thing i want to know, featured article layout is already sorted as category order. But I want is to add parent category title over each and every category.

As @Anibal said, I also think the place is this (image attached). is this the file to edit

I also fond a useful article: http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?p=2541194

In that article it says that I can get parent category title name using $this->item->parent_title.

Please tell me how to do it


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