In Joomla 4.3.1, I've made an override of the com_content/archive/default_items.php
Now I want to strip tags and display the string (text from article) as one line <p>
only. Without any formatting. No <strong>, <em>, <br>, <h3>
This is the code where I somewhere want to add the string function "strip_tags":
<?php if ($params->get('show_intro')) : ?>
<div class="intro" itemprop="articleBody">
<?php echo HTMLHelper::_('string.truncateComplex', $item->introtext, $params->get('introtext_limit')); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
It goes without saying I'm a PHP-beginner, and I've researched the PHP- and Joomla-forums. Googling the "truncateComplex" does not really give anything. And all my attemps just break my site.