Welcome to JSE.
I'm not sure which documentation you've been referring to, however the Joomla Docs show you how to add parameters to your module:
So a basic example:
<fields name="params">
<fieldset name="basic">
<field name="size" type="text" default="20px" label="Size" />
<field name="background" type="color" default="#eee" format="hex" label="Background" />
<fieldset name="advanced">
<field name="param3" type="text" default="something" label="Param 3" />
<field name="param4" type="text" default="something" label="Param 4" />
Note; I've added another fieldset
which will show you how to separate your parameters under different tabs.
Accessing the parameters (Views):
$size = $params->get('size');
$background = $params->get('background');
$param3 = $params->get('param3');
$param4 = $params->get('param4');
Accessing the parameters (Helper):
class ModSomethingHelper
private $params = null;
public function __construct()
$this->params = $this->getParams();
public function getParams()
$module = JModuleHelper::getModule('mod_something');
$moduleParams = new JRegistry;
if ($module->params !== '')
return $moduleParams;
// Non-Static function example
public function yourFunction()
// Static function example
public static function yourStaticFunction()
$helper = new ModSomethingHelper();
$size = $helper->getParams()->get('size');